4 times 2PM adopts pets that never stayed (1 time it did)
band!fic, pg
Taecyeon doesn't make a very good substitute
1. Nickhun brings home a box of kittens.
Achingly, painfully, toe-curlingly adorable little kittens.
"There's four of them," Nickhun chatters excitedly, watching the other members huddle around the box with a rather proud smile on his face. " I was thinking about naming them after the reindeers, since this is basically like an early Christmas present for us all-"
"What in the world gave you that idea?" Taecyeon asks indignantly.
"-like Dasher and Dancer and Prancer and Vixen," Nickhun sparkles, either ignoring Taecyeon completely, pretending not to hear him or a combination of both.
Chansung preens, holding up an obviously distressed kitten to the light. "Or Comet and Cupid and Boner and Dicken."
"They've got to go," Taecyeon says condescendingly, "because this dorm is about as gay as it gets and I don't think I can take it anymore-"
"Funny," Junho snorts, "considering how you're the only member in this band whose socks match their underwear."
Junho is sent to his bedroom with bruises decorating his arm and a nasty scratch on his cheek, swearing rather loudly about how homos and kittens are never a good match.
2. "Guys," Junsu announces, holding up a hand with- okay, Taecyeon is sure Chansung put some kind of hallucinogen into his drink because that simply cannot be what he thinks it is- a parrot on his finger. "Say hello to our newest member."
"Ooooh," Wooyoung gasps, running over to Junsu, smoothing a hand over the pretty multi-colored feathers. "Ooooh, oh my god, so cool-"
"Yeah, but check this out. Get in line, everyone," Junsu commands, and Taecyeon is wondering who died and made him leader (okay, maybe not the best thought to have) but just about everyone else is scrambling to follow through Junsu's orders. The parrot waddles awkwardly up Junsu's arm as he begins walking down the line.
Junsu steps in front of Chansung and the parrot opens it's beak wide; Taecyeon mentally flinches.
"Insufferable atrocious imbecile!"
It takes flight as soon as Junsu is tackled to the ground.
Perplexed, Junho turns back to look at Wooyoung, who simply shrugs.
"Maybe it has a thing against Italians?"
3. Nickhun screams, waking just about everyone and every living thing within the three mile radius. He yanks his feet off the ground, shrieking like a prepubescent little girl, clutching the blanket to his chest in an undignified manner.
"Rats," Junsu says later, every member in the dorm gathering around an obviously traumatized Nickhun to see what the fuck had gotten into him at five in the morning (minus a Wooyoung who had taken to pulling the covers above his head in what suspiciously looked like hiding), "Why didn't I think of that."
4. "Huh," Junho contributes thoughtfully, not even bothering to put in the effort to appear at least mildly surprised as he looks into the crate of what appears to be chicken. "Wonder how he managed to pull this one off."
"I don't know, but once Chansung gets his ass back in here I swear," Taecyeon grits, letting out a supposedly calming breath between his teeth that has absolutely no affect whatsoever. If Chansung ever said anything about adopting pets for his own, he was too busy being an asshole to pay much attention.
"Guys." And very suddenly Wooyoung is pointing. "I think this one pooped," he calls.
Nickhun passes by the living room and stops to peer into the crate's contents. "We're having fried chicken?" Nickhun asks.
5. Taecyeon bounces into the kitchen, positively sparkling in every aspect of the word. "I got a suprise for you guys- picked it up this morning," he says brightly.
2PM's new pet shuffles into the room. Wooyoung inhales rice up his nose and begins choking very discreetly into a napkin.
"Go on," Taecyeon nudges it with a foot, wearing a Wild Bunny rabbit headband and a disgruntled/displeased/sheepish expression on it's face.
"Meow," Jaebum grumbles, sulking.