HMD (Constructive Criticism and Advice)

Mar 11, 2037 05:59

With this one being my third strong muse, I would appreciate any advice that you're willing to give as long as it's not inflammatory or destructive in any way, shape, or form. Please be courteous and I'll return the same in kind. I'll accepts passersby that comes across him in game or in Dear_mun where he was tested.

I'm a very friendly person as the player so don't be afraid to drop a PM if you're too shy to post in this entry.

Thanks for those that take into consideration my game play. Flames will be responded with a huge cartoon fire hydrate. (Just to let you know that I won't take them seriously.)

I welcome any concrit as long as I can see the faults that I make so I can correct them accordingly.

Thanks in advance for taking the time to look over my character and any advice that you can give.

!concrit, !hmd

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