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Mmhm, what the title says. This is how Dayia might dress in Hoethal's fantasies. Both are characters of mine, from my work in progress, a saga I have tentatively named 'Eyrne Cycle'.
"The androgyne's titled name was Nalesa Dayia Arilm. He, with his son Danaril, was the monarch of all Arilm, that incredible tribe of telekinetics. They were the only great tribe who kept their stronghold - their homeworld, even - on the rather dangerous edge of the galaxy. They named it the Pilatiath Fringe; likely a reference to something both glorious and dangerous in their history. They were always at the battlefront, and while they would never say it, they liked it that way. They were proud, strong, and no foe was beyond them."
- an excerpt from "The Disciple's Reach", Book 2 of the Eyrne Cycle.
Yeah, the excerpt doesn't really seem to fit the sculpture, I know. XD Well, it's a fantasy.
Sculpture made of wire frame and air-dry clay, painted with acrylics.
Hair is silky synthetic pale blond.
Clothes are... hoo boy:
- crushed velvet boots with leather lacing
- stretch lace bodice with lace-up back with leather
- lace (MOAR) bandana thing with chiffon veil trimmed with Jet Swarovski crystals
- chiffon coatie thing with lace-lacing and crushed velvet trimming
- organza and black velvet striped skirt with sections of crushed velvet under leather lacing