Dec 23, 2004 20:10
1. First best friend: Amelia Gary
2. First love: Adam Long (kindergarten)
3. First real kiss: joey
4. First screen name: allyoop5 (cuz i was a faggot)
5. First pet: goldie hawn (golden retriever)
6. First car: i have yet to get one :(
1. Last cigarette: ...i don't know?
2. Last kiss: matt
3. Last good cry: sometime around 2
4. Last beverage drank: water
5. Last food consumed: a corn dog
6. Last crush: matt&bret
7. Last phone call: kat
1. Who is your best friend: kat&amanda
2. Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend: no..woo
1. Where are your favorite places to shop: anywhere
2. Favorite item of clothing: my cool trailer trash jacket
1. Do you do drugs: nah
2. What kind of shampoo do you use: suave, pantene, or finesse
1. Colors: green and red
2. Foods: you can't go wrong with fries
3. Subject in school: art?
4. Animals: cleo
5. Sports: football
6. Movie: napoleon dynamite, white chicks, monty python, pretty woman
1. Given a bath: jackson (my baby cuz)
3. Made yourself throw-up: ya
4. Skinny dipped: once with Amanda
5. Been in love: i thought i was a few times
1. Clothes: pants/ferchie tee
2. Music: daphne loves derby
3. Make-up: none
4. IMs: Amani, Kellie, this guy brett
2. Hugged: mom
3. IMed: that brett kid
4. Last person who slept in your room: kat and callie
5. Last person's room you slept in: kat
1. In the morning you are: mad at my alarm
2. Love is: hard to find
3. I dream about: random things