Title: Ten Cups of Coffee (A Love Story)
Fandom: TSN RPS (Jesse Eisenberg/Andrew Garfield)
10,000 words | G
Andrew Garfield: "There was a very American, romanticized idea that I had in my head about what it would be like to work in a coffee shop. I thought of coffee shops as the kind of place where you met really smart, interesting, quirky [
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Comments 199
(also, hello, this random comment was brought to you by a random person.)
It is very handy! (Having friends to tell you. I suspect having a Justin in your life wouldn't actually simplify things.)
Haha, that might be true. Oh god, I fail at so many things, it amazes me xD
oh my goodness. well, I now feel like a whoooole line of HAPPY faces. JFC this is so adorable. SO. ADORABLE. i love it. <33333
I am so happy that you were willing to make all these cups, dude! It gave the fic structure and AWESOMENESS.
Oh, shush, the fic already had AWESOMENESS, courtesy of you and your quality brain. ♥ I am just pleased to see the cups/pictures worked out!
Thank you for your endless patience with my inability not to make Andrew say "Sure." ♥
How do you know everything about everything? You know about dissertations, you know about working at Starbucks...! (Or, are those two connected? ;-)) (Or or, you just fake it really well. Which is a talent all its own.)
This was a lovely unexpected delight on a lazy Saturday afternoon, thank you!
(Did you give Andrew a Boston area code? That delights me beyond reason.)
(Ahaha, Andrew has most of my old college phone number which was Boston.)
Thank YOU!
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