so much free time.. (where freedom turns into chaos..)

Jun 12, 2004 03:36

                        GEORGES DELERUE (here, here, and here) has composed the amazing music of JEAN-LUC GODARD's (here, here, and fully here) "LE MEPRIS" (here, here, and here) in1963.

Everything starts with a table. The first color is yellow.
..then nothing is certain.. it all becomes blurry..  .. a state of .. uncertainty .. words puzzled .. a white light appears ..
then ... SILENCE.
in 1963, people were killing each other in several parts of the world
Do you have issues ?

people, right now, are killing each other in

several parts of the world

people, right now, are killing each other in

several parts of the world

What's the point .. if people keep on blaming each other.. if  the shout can't pierce the silence, or the silence pierce the shout, if one can't see the point, what are all those whispers, getting where ? ..

iIn 1963, people were killing each other in several parts of the world
Everything is melting, moving apart, exchanging each other, wander between themselves, under, upper and through
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