He had a dream....
........it was after a roller-blading day, a day obviously full of the tension from falling down or hurting people, a day globally and extremely marked by a physcial fear, not the kind of fear that produces stress and burns inside, but the fear of a present danger, a good fear that shapes oneself into the real world. A day under the sun and its unknown, supposedly positive, effects on ourselves. .. ..
the content of the dreams produced extreme thoughts about the Connection betwen things : the links beetween foregrounds and backgrounds of art pieces, the links between what is (or what can be thought to be) mathematics and how to teach them. As always, meditation came from a discovery of something hidden, something that was behind the obvious before, as the hidden-to-shown movement is the natural one. Hence the meaning of an art piecee's foreground is determined by its background, as evey art piece is invented and contemplated with and through its inverted form (music listened through its silence), then in a smaller and more practical level, the links/movement of the eye/movement of the mind between foreground and background, subject and seconday subject, do determine and define the art work. Hence the inevitable movement of the mind when studying mathematics, what it is and how to explain it, makes much more to the whole understanding process of it than pure teaching _or_ pure research. Once again I link this observation for instance to opposition between a unified synthetic unspoken asian way and our multiple analytic declarative occidental elements.
Ok, I retook the grammar test with the help of www.wordsmyth.net and a few others :
http://grcpublishing.grc.nasa.gov/WizardArchive/wizard18/qrktext.htm : less, lesser, fewer
http://webster.commnet.edu/grammar/modifiers.htm : modifier placement
so now...
You are a GRAMMAR GOD!
If your mission in life is not already to
preserve the English tongue, it should be.
Congratulations and thank you!
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