Oct 01, 2007 13:36
one of these days, i want to make a trip for me myself and i.
ive always wanted to do that, get in my car and just drive away, because i am not accomplishing anything staying here, now dont misconstrude what im saying, This place aint so bad but its no prize winning pig. I am 18 years old, and its time for me to make my mark on this population. And this may sound diluted but i dont think education is what i need to be doing right now. right now and this right exact moment i need to be experiancing more . I need to learn things they dont teach you in a fucking text book. im not that kind of girl, i dont like to learn about the jim crow laws, and who fucking freed the slaves, i want to learn life lessons. i want to learn from my experiances. Experiances are the best teachers out there. I want to see things through real life and not picture them while reading plain text. If they want to teach you about poverty, take your fucking students to the slums of africa. Let them see it. let them experiance it, let them learn it through there own eyes.