Honduran President tries to subvert their constitution in order to procure an extra term for himself. He then fires the general who upheld the rule of law, and violates the expressed ruling of their supreme court. Furthermore, this Latin lunatic censors opposing view points at the point of a gun.
Unfortunately for the Honduran people, they have no constitutional remedy like impeachment to recall their elected incompetents. Their version of the supreme court issued an arrest warrant for President Zelaya, and the elected officials kicked his pajamaed ass out of the country.
The crowd goes wild.
Honduras has historically been a dependable US ally until this country-wrecker, with the popularity numbers of Michael Vick, joined Chavez’s anti-America trade bloc. So I know why ‘I-Wish-I-Was-Fidel’ Chavez wants Zelaya back.
But why would America? "Because that would set a bad precedent and would not be legal."
Piss on etiquette, remove the canker. Unless, of course, we want collectivist dictatorships to flourish. Do we, Mr. President?