First Journal Entry!

Aug 25, 2004 09:05

Today was the first day of school. I woke up at 5:20 suprizingly from going to sleep at 12:00. Im tired now but you know. I have Astronomy 1st block, Chemistry 2nd block, Drawing-2 3rd block, and Geometry 4th block. I sucks ( 4th block ) because the whole class is filled with sopohmores. After school I went to the mall and target with Jamie, Weston, and Katie W. interesting it was. We came back to my place and did nothing and left and then I baby sat. Fun stuff. My dad left for Califorina today, I'm disapointed he didn't take us with him but then agian would it really be fun to go to a wedding with a bunch of people speaking spanish you don't know? I don't think so! Except the food of coruse. I wonder if they would have pineapple that sounds really good now. Well If my dads happy i geuss I just wish he would had let me borrow his car. I mean he has two cars and he bought me a AAA thing for the car. WTH? I don't understand. I'm hoping to get a Job somtime soonl, I'll go somtime after 7:00 friday to apply. Good lucky to me when that comes. Otherwise, I mean no place is hiring so it sucks. Well tommorow I have another wondeful day to spend at school but yeah. Thanks for reading, Night.
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