Title: Into the Fold
Author: Pasi
Rating: 15
Category: Gen
Fic Summary: Severus Snape is going straight to hell. The people he calls his friends are helping him get there.
Chapter Summary: Severus and Healer Meed discover Sectumsempra's counter-curse.
Chapter Index (
Chapter Thirty-four: The Knitting-Up Spell )
Comments 3
Heh, I was very uneasy about doing this myself, as I am NOT a poet. But I felt constrained to do some sort of song, as Severus is described as singing the counter-curse to Sectumsempra in HBP. Glad you didn't find it completely horrible, at any rate.
But now there's a dilemma. How can his desire not to be a murderer be strong enough to forge a counter curse and yet he still wants to join the Death Eaters? Will you address that in the story?
That's the big question, isn't it? I've tried throughout to deal with what I see as the opposing poles of Snape's nature. I think the conflict between them becomes even more important in the following chapters. We'll see how successful I've been in handling it.
Thanks for reviewing!
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