Title: Into the Fold
Author: Pasi
Category: Gen
Rating: 15
Summary for the Fic: Severus Snape is going straight to hell. The people he calls his friends are helping him get there.
Summary for Chapter Twelve: Because of his frequent absences from school, Remus Lupin has homework to make up. For his own reasons, Severus joins the group which
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Comments 7
Where are all your comments??
Only the very best are allowed to appear...*g*. Seriously, though, I post and I link the story to hogwarts_today and the readers take it from there. Not everybody likes it, I'm sure, and not everybody who does like it comments, probably for reasons, in many cases, that have nothing to do with the story. *shrug*
But it's turned out to be a very engaging story to write. I've got it outlined and I'm going to finish it, whether TDH josses it and/or people give up reading it entirely.
It's all Severus's fault. He's just too much fun to play with!
(The icon, BTW, comes from a picture somewhere on The Leaky Cauldron. It suited perfectly, I thought.)
And I am still rooting with Severus even if we know what happens.
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