i haven't written in here for a pretty long time
i don't even know if anyone reads this
but i have something that i am very pleased to report
first of all, i saw elf power with jenn last week
as if that weren't good enough, JEFF MANGUM APPEARED
i saw him at the olivia tremor control show also
very very exciting whoa totally yeahyeahyeah ok
however there was no report of this anywhere that i could find
so i wrote to pitchforkmedia.com
and now, they have quoted me in their article
i might just qualify for a title involving indie music nerdiness
i will spare you the lying...
this makes me a very happy girl
oh and if anyone else wants to read the article
to experience my ohsocoolness first-hand that is haha
it's actually one of theie headliners today (whoa)