
Mar 21, 2012 21:57

I told fuyukoi I'd write up a translation of A for her since my interpretation is different from the other one I've seen posted. It's the kind of song that leaves a lot of room for intepretation, but I like mine, so I figured I'd share in case anyone else is interested. It's not particularly polished or anything, but I think it gets the meaning across.

The usual disclaimers apply: I'm not fluent in Japanese by any stretch, and I have no idea what goes on in Subaru's head, so I had to just guess at what he meant in a lot of places where it's ambiguous. If any of you who know Japanese better spot mistakes, please do point them out. (Or even if you just have an alternative intepretation, I'd be happy to hear it.) Likewise, if you spot any typos, please tell me so I can fix them. XD

おめでとう おめでとう おめでとう おめでとう
おめでとう ありがとう 生まれてきてくれて日々感謝

Congratulations x 5
Thank you
I'm grateful every day that you were born

ありがとう 生まれた時に俺 産声で言った言葉
産んでくれたおかんおとんに 泣きながら言った言葉

Thank you
The words I said with my first cry when I was born
The words I said while crying to mom and dad who gave birth to me

簡単な言葉 素直に思った事は
伝えないとずっと変わらないから 人と人をつなぐ事は
簡単な事は 簡単な言葉
誰もが持って生まれてきた あいことば

A simple word
What I honestly thought
If you don't communicate it, nothing will ever change
The thing that connects people
The simple thing
A simple word
A password that everyone is born with

おめでとう おめでとう おめでとう おめでとう
おめでとう ありがとう 生まれてきてくれて日々感謝


ありがとう たった一言で 世界は変わると思うんだ
いつだって信じてる 言葉が持っている力で

Thank you
With just one word, I believe the world will change
I always believe in the power that words hold

世界が変わるから 限界なんかないから
絶対あきらめないから どう生きようが俺は俺にしかなれないんだから
誰かのためじゃない 自分のためでもない
感謝のみで歌ってる ワンラブ関ジャニ∞

The world will change1
There are no limits1
I definitely won't give up1
The way to live is that I can only become myself1
It's not for someone's sake
It's not for my sake either
Singing only gratitude one love Kanjani82

おめでとう おめでとう おめでとう おめでとう
おめでとう ありがとう 生まれてきてくれて日々感謝


おめでとう おめでとう おめでとう おめでとう
おめでとう ありがとう 生まれてきてくれた全ての命に

Congratulations x 5
Thank you
To all the lives3 that have been born

おめでとう おめでとう おめでとう おめでとう
おめでとう ありがとう 生まれてきてくれて日々感謝


1. All these lines end with から which technically means because, but it can also be kind of emphatic. It's kind of ambiguous there, but I chose to interpret it like that since I can't figure out what the "because" would refer to.

2. I don't know what he's going for with the "one love (in English) Kanjani8" part. Use your imagination. XD

3. That's where he said "Eighters" in the Countdown con, so "To all the Eighters that have been born."

The other thing that's hard to get across in translation is that what he says for being born is "umaretekite kurete." The "kurete" part is what you use when someone did something for you. So it kind of implies that whoever the song is addressed to being born is doing him a favor or giving him a gift. It's a common thing to say in Japanese when talking about being born, so don't read too much into it, but it adds a little extra layer of meaning that's hard to express in English.

Also, here is a live rip of the song, because the album version just doesn't capture it's full awesomeness.

my own little uchiface, lyrics, my flist made me do it, oh subaru, nihongo taberemasen

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