The More Things Change: Chapter Eight, Part II

Jul 28, 2013 23:31

Title: The More Things Change

Rating: T

Summary: “Hours later Callie felt her best friend slip away silently into the cold and inexorable night while they were all still trapped amidst the wilderness. She held onto him, tighter now; somewhere a slight distance away Kepner was being mauled by the sinister gifts of the wild.” In a world where Arizona wasn't in Seattle when the plane crashed. Three years & PTSD, can she get Callie back?

Author: Pasha

Disclaimer: All recognizable characters belong to SR and ABC. I make not profit. No copyright infringement intended.

Canon Till: 7 x 07

Pairing: C/A

A/N: Thoughts, sarcasm, Calliesque word jumbles etc. are in 'single quotes'.

PLEASE READ THIS NOTE AT LEAST: Alright readers, pay close attention!!! This IS a flashback chapter, detailing more of the night of boozing that went on, but I have realised that it is easier to read on Lj if I don't use italics for the flash back. In this chapter tonal emphasis in dialogue and thought will be in italics, like they usually are in a chapter that is not a flashback. So this is a one chapter deal, to make reading easy on the eyes.

Read, Enjoy and Review.


Callie walked in first, while Arizona walked at a slower pace, surveying her surroundings. The look of the place was quaint, like a diner out of the nineteen fifties, "right before those hippies ruined America" - as her Nana would say. A sign hung outside that read 'Est. 1958' in a fluid and feminine script. As she walked in, off of the large glass doors that were flanked by an old and chipped wood frame, a broad brass bar functioning as a handle, she realised why Callie would pick this place. Apart from the fact that on display was the bar, situated farthest away from the entrance, the floor was checkered like a chessboard; the seats at the breakfast bar from where you could see the pickup window were steel rods that were capped off by bright red cushions. The booths to the side, running by the window were large and cushioned and looked on to the street through full length glass windows. It had the comfort and the charm of the generic 'All-American' diner where milkshakes flooded the tables till nine or ten at night, after which they'd break out the single malt.

As she stood close to the entrance, she realised that Callie had already taken a seat somewhere in there. The booths were too high backed for her to see the brunette and the diner was relatively full if not bursting with business. She stood there contemplating her next move. Should she just do the slow paced casual look around and 'chance' upon the other woman or should she call out for her? The place was awash in the loud din of people familiar to one another, laughing, clapping each-other on the backs. It had a warmth and energy that was really, really inviting. Something in the place suddenly seemed to give the blonde hope, because 'Callie seemed to gravitate to this place. Even if the brunette sometimes looked like she was on the outside looking in, some part of Callie still wanted this or needed this… all this… the people… the laughter… the music… and the pie, she smelled pie.'

She was just about to shout out the brunette's name when a tall man, the manliest man in an apron one could ever come across laughed out Callie's name, prompting the other woman to get out of the booth and give him a big warm hug. The entire tableau brought a smile to the blonde's face. She saw the brunette discreetly looked around for her.

Callie waved at her, she seemed, something… vaguely shy as the man leant in and said something to her. It seemed to make the brunette blush, as she vigorously shook her head in the negative. Arizona waited, watching the scene unfold till she realised both Callie and guy were now looking at her - a little amused and askance; giving them a shrug and a smile, she quickly walked to Callie's side.

"D. C, who's your dinner companion there?!" The man asked; his loud and jovial voice almost managed not to drown in the hurly-burly of a diner in the middle of the dinner hour.

"Right." - The brunette smiled tentatively - "Boyd Merricci, this is my colleague…" - she looked back at Arizona -

- "Really Callie?!" - the blonde inquired with a quirked eyebrow and a playful laugh, the lilt of Arizona's voice amused and expectant all at the same time.

For whatever reason that non-committal laugh did the brunette in - ummm… I… I" - if Arizona didn't know any better she'd think 'Callie looked kind of flustered and cute… yup, she definitely looked cute.'

Callie took in a deep breath, though no one else could feel the sudden drop of her stomach, she felt an old nervousness that she hadn't felt in a very long time, her efforts to string a sentence together seemed to come to nought.

"Hi, I'm doctor Arizona Robbins" - the blonde enthusiastically shook Boyd's proffered hand - "but you can call me Arizona! And, I… uh…" - she laughed, a little nervous herself now. Form Boyd's looks and the teasing glint in his eyes as he'd been speaking to Callie, Arizona gathered that Callie was 'out' to them so to speak. At that moment a slightly disturbing thought hit her - 'how could people resist setting up or going after a single, beautiful woman like Callie?! And a doctor to boot! Did Boyd try and set her up?! Did he ask her out?! Wait! Wait, he's too old for her right?! Right?!'

"Right what, Arizona?" - asked Boyd, a tad confused. 'Fudge a tiny bucket! She'd said that out loud! Brilliant!'

"Uhh…" - the blonde cleared her throat - "her friend" - she said with a slight hesitation in her voice as she looked at Callie, waiting a few seconds for the brunette to correct her, and breathed a sigh of relief when she didn't.

"Well, any friend of Callie's is a friend of the family's, yes?" - He asked Callie as he bumped her shoulders. "Why don't you ladies take a seat at your booth haan D. C?! And I'll get you the" -

- "Usual, yes! Callie cut him off as she began sliding into the booth and Arizona followed suit. As the blonde sat down she remembered how they used to be one of those couples that Bailey had repeatedly made fun. She'd guessed that they'd probably sit next to one another instead of across each other. They'd both giggled nervously and said they'd neither confirm nor deny it. But, the truth was they once were that disgustingly in love couple that just made single people unhappy. She missed that! 'She missed making single people unhappy, and now? She was one of those single, unhappy people.'

As Boyd started walking away, Callie called back to him - "hey Boyd?!"


"Can we get a menu, though?"

Boyd, looked at them, his eyes bouncing from one to the other as a look of confusion overtook his face, he waved his hands all askance at the brunette - "but you never see the menu, you know the menu, you are on the menu, Callie!"

"I know" - Callie replied sheepishly as she caught Arizona's intrigued expression from the corner of her eyes - "but my… dinner…uhhh… friend?" - She loosely pointed in the blonde's direction - "doesn't… so, a menu, you know? Would be nice?"

Arizona didn't think it was possible, but for whatever reason, Callie was even redder now. 'Jesus, dinner friend?! Well yeah! Three years on a different continent! She should be so lucky as to be a dinner friend! At least she wasn't a dinner person or a dinner colleague.'

"Right you are! How rude of me!" - Boyd's voice boomed, jovial and light - "I'll get you menu, pronto Arizona!" - He nodded at the blonde and executed a graceful turnabout, walking away with a bounce in his step.

Arizona looked back at Callie, after looking at Boyd walk away - "huh" - she gave a small laugh - "he's a happy one, that Boyd!" - She said trying to lighten the mood. It seemed that if ever they were left alone in one another's company, the air around them always became tensed with this onanistic anticipation. Everything seemed to speed up and slow down at the same time, and there was always this void, they'd both feel it… something was missing… they weren't quite themselves… they weren't a 'them'… maybe that was just it. Being together had felt so Goddamn natural once that everything else just felt wrong and deficient.

"Yeah" - Callie replied nervously.

"Why is this soooo…" - the blonde let out a frustrated sigh - "I don't know?! Weird?!"

Callie quirked an eyebrow, finally looking up from the table - "you're kidding right?!"

"No… I mean… I get it, but" - Arizona gave a chuckle, a dimple making a short appearance as the apprehension and tension in her voice seemed to double - "we used to do this all the time and" -

"And what?" - the brunette asked in a hostile hiss, her face marred with anger as she chanced a look around to check if anyone was watching them. A few years ago Callie wouldn't have given a thought to being discreet, but things were different now. 'She was different.' - "You thought we'd… what? Go back to where you were before you dumped me like day old garbage?!" -

- "Calliope…" -

"No!" - Hissed the brunette - "don't…" - she looked around again as she held up her hand in a muted gesture, her elbows and wrists still on the table - "do not Calliope me, Arizona! What did you think would happen? I'm not… 'm not pissed anymore… but" -

- "Right!" - Arizona scoffed, rolling her eyes.

"Stop rolling your eyes at me!" - Callie's sharp rebuke had her effectively stunned as she moved back into the cushiony seat - "you are soooo… ugh! Complacent! Yes!" - The brunette waved her palm around, happy with having caught the correct word out of the miasma of words that floated around in her anger addled brain.

Arizona bent forward and opened her mouth, as if to defend herself -

- "And naïve! - Nodded the brunette - "yes! Complacent and naïve! What did you think would happen?! We'd just what?! Be in love again or something! Date? What?! What did you think would" -

- "I thought you'd treat me like a person! I thought" -

Their heated exchange was abruptly halted by the sudden appearance of Boyd who had taken it upon himself to be their server.

"Ahem…" - he thunderously cleared his throat, 'everything about this guy was just big' thought Arizona. A quick follow up to the thought was 'ewww… big guy stuff. What the hell was the matter with me?!'

They looked up at the man, their hostile expressions melting away into timid smiles.

"Everything alrigh,' ladies?!"

"Yeah…" - Callie nodded vigorously as she flashed him a genuine smile.

- "Mhhhm…" - Arizona enthused; something about the man turned her fake cheer in to real cheer. He seemed to have this joy about him that reminded her of Callie, or maybe some of the kids she'd worked with over the years.

"Alrigh' then… Here's your order D.C…" - he said placing a ginormous burger in front of the brunette.

"What is that?" - The blonde asked curiously while shamelessly taking in the aroma of crispy bacon that wafted towards her. Her mouth began to water immediately.

"That's a D.C!" - He laughed as he handed her the menu - "Sorry for the delay, we're a little short staffed."

"Oh no… that's okay!" - Boyd seemed about to apologise again when Arizona cut in again - "really! It's fine…"

Callie, who had been a bit busy taking in the smell of her beautifully rustic looking burger and fries looked up at Boyd as she spoke - "oh, then you won't be able to sit down for a minute, I guess?" - She asked.

Arizona noted the child-like disappointment on Callie's face and it kind of made her heart melt, 'but in a totally not-pathetic way.'

"Ey, who could say no to you?! Yea?! Who could say no to that face?!" Asked Boyd, as he gracelessly threw himself beside Arizona, effectively jostling her.

"You'd be surprised!" - replied the brunette with a laugh, but the edge in her voice was clearly meant for Arizona, and it did not go unnoticed by the blonde. Yup, she'd said no to Callie, a long, long time ago and it was the most costly no she'd ever say.

"Ey?! Seth?!" - He barked at the boy behind the counter - "I'm gonna chat up these ladies here, yeh?" - He pointed at the two women - "you good for a few?" - He looked back at them not bothering to see what Seth had to say.

Callie popped a fry in her mouth as she sniggered and shook her head at Boyd.

"What?!" - Boyd chuckled at the brunette as he wiped his hand with the rag on his shoulders - "kids today, I tell you, they make 'em too soft!"

"Ummm… So Mr. Boyd" - the blonde began tentatively, trying desperately not to let things between her and Callie spiral out of control and ruin the entire evening - "what's in a D. C?"

"Alrigh' young lady" - Boyd explained with a mock seriousness as the two women looked at him with rapt attention - "first, name's Boyd, yeh?" -

Arizona nodded her understanding.

"Not Mista Boyd, not 'Sir'" - He air quoted the last word - "not" -

- "Boyyyyyd!" - Callie cut him off mid-sentence - "the woman gets it, just tell her the story!"

"You trying to get rid of me, D. C?!" - he laughed.

"Yup, it's my mission in life! To come to your place of business, ask you to sit next to me and avoid you!" - She said playful.

Arizona watched the back and forth between the two. Callie was so… Callie, right now, it was just something she wanted to go on forever. Part of her was also a little jealous too. 'What would she have to do to get Callie to talk to her like this?! She'd do anything! She'd open a diner with a partly lame, partly cool clothing accessories story and slap on an apron if she had to!'

Boyd and Callie both caught her with her far off expression.

"Hey" - Boyd bumped her shoulder, effectively pulling her out of her internal musing - "you still wanna know about the D. C?"

Arizona replied with a nod in the affirmative as she watched Seth bring them another plate of fries. This time, the young man set the plate in front of her and paired it up with a tall glass of soda. She nodded her thanks to him and once again looked at Boyd.

"So, Callie was treating my maa" - he began with a jovial chuckle, and then for a moment he and Callie looked at one another as Callie slid her hand across the table that separated them and gently squeezed his hand - "thanks" - he whispered to the brunette.

"So" - he took to intermittently looking at the two of them as he began his tale, he was clearly happy telling a story - "like I was sayin', this woman righ' here, treated my maa, God rest her" - he crossed himself, while Arizona took notice of the fact that, quite unlike her old self, Callie didn't.

"And she did such a good job" - He continued - "that maa just couldn't do without calling the good doctor to Sunday dinner. Yea?" - He asked Callie, prompting her to tell some of the story as he stopped to steal the brunette's fries.

Callie tracked his hand, narrowing her eyes at him, but didn't stop him as she took up where he left off - "Rumella" -

- "My maa" - Boyd cut in, and suddenly looked to Arizona - "you know what?! I'll order for you! Hey, Seth" - Arizona jerked back in her seat, surprised by how the man's voice traveled so well over the now full diner - "Hey! You get us another D. C here!" - He looked back at the blonde who looked like she was about to say something and shouted again not bothering to turn back at the counter - "and two White Russians!" - He said pushing two fingers up into the air, right above their heads.

He kept smiling at the blonde as he spoke next - "they were my dad's favourite! On the house!" - Arizona nodded; she couldn't do much else, except accept his very in your face, 'literally,' kindness.

"Can I tell my story now?" - Callie interjected with a smirk on her face, clearly amused at Arizona's surprise at Boyd's exuberance.

"Sure, sure" - nodded the big guy.

"Anyway, so Rumella invited me, and you do not want to say no to a Russian ex-pat who cooks like she did" -

- "You're too slow, Callie!" - Boyd cut in - "So she walks in, and the kids and grandkids all fall in love with her, but half of them can't say her name, so they call her D.C for Doctor Callie" - he shrugged his shoulders - "and it stuck, 'cause the toothless old geezers loved huffing out Dee. Fee! Dee. Fee! It was hila" -

- "Hey, if Rumella were here, she'd beat your ass from here till Tuesday" -protested the brunette.

"Whatever, kid."

"So, you are literally on the menu?!" - Arizona asked the brunette.

"Yup!" - Said Boyd - "maa put her on in there, as a gift, you know?" - He said quieter - "before she…" - his voice petered out.

"I'm sorry…" - Said Arizona, her voice bathed in compassion - "about your mother. She sounds like a… an awesome lady…" - she nodded, throwing in a dimpled smile for good measure.

"Thanks!" - He turned to look at Callie, as he began to get up - "I'll let you two get back to your evening…" - he was interrupted by Seth standing behind him, mumbling something about serving the other D. C and the White Russians to the women.

Boyd turned around and said something to him about mumbling words. Arizona was looking at Callie when she noticed the woman's face change into one of anxiety.

As Boyd turned around to place the drinks at the table, the brunette asked in a soft voice - "Boyd?"

Something in her voice prompted the man to sit down as he looked up at her - "Yea, Callie?"

"You said they were his favourite?"


"The drinks, Boyd!" - She asked, her anxiousness now becoming evident as she looked into the cocktail glass. Arizona saw the brunette's grip around the glass tighten as her knuckles went white.

"You said he used to like them…" -

- "Callie…" -

- "Where's Fred right now?" - She asked with an undeniable edge to her question.

Arizona, quick to realise what was about to come, leant over the table; cupping Callie's hand on the glass, she began to rub soft, soothing circles on her hand. The gesture managed to loosen Callie's grip, as she let go of the glass and took Arizona's hand in hers. She looked up but avoided the blonde's eyes, choosing to look at Boyd instead.

"Dad died, Callie" - Came Boyd's simple answer.

"When?" - She asked, indignant - "Why didn't you tell me he was sick?! Why didn't you tell me after? I would have come to the service at least…"

Boyd waited patiently for the volley of questions to come to an end - "He wasn't sick" -

- "Then what…" -

"The Oldtimer died in his sleep" - Boyd laughed, but it didn't quite reach his eyes - "and you knew Dad! He didn't ever wan' a fuss!"

Callie nodded her agreement, the blank expression on her face turning into a watery smile.

"He lef' instructions. They said, cremate me and put me nex' to maa. They got the matching salt and pepper urns up there on the wall" - he pointed to a glass case fixed near the ceiling above the serving counter.

They both looked at the glass case, as Callie teared-up and Arizona thought 'maybe it was a little unsanitary… morbid even'.

"I know what you're thinking blondie!" 'Crap, he'd caught her!'

"It's sealed tighter than a nun's thighs! Don't you worry" -

- "Oh my God, Boyd!" - Callie slapped the side of his arm - "don't say crap about nuns! They are everywhere!" - She laughed, looking around, only half joking, and then came to a complete halt as she saw a woman in a habit four booths down giving her the stink eye.

"Anyway, I'm sorry Callie. I should've told you…" - he gave her an apologetic smile as he started getting up.

"I'm sorry too…" - She sighed - "about Fred, and Rumella, I wish I could've…" -

"Are you kidding?!" - Boyd asked, back to his old jovial self, even though his eyes glistened - "they were married sixty two years! She went; he couldn't stay 'ny longer! It's just that simple."

"Okay!" - Callie nodded as she laughed through her tears and wiped her face with the napkins.

"Good! Now, I'll be takin' your leave! Lots to do, righ'?! You'll be okay?" - He asked Callie in a softer voice.

"Yeah" - she laughed.

His eyes went to Arizona's hand still in Callie's. He turned to the blonde, as he spoke - "you look after her, righ'? She's a good one, she is!"

"I couldn't agree more" - Arizona said with a soft smile as Callie's eyes found hers, they both kept looking at each-other when Boyd broke the spell, clearing his throat.

"Alrigh' then! Come around more, you!" - He said to Callie as he started walking away - "and bring the leggy blonde with you!" - He threw over his shoulders as an afterthought, unaware that both the women had hurriedly snatched their hands away and had turned red with embarrassment.

Callie slightly leant out of the booth shouting after him - "you know I'm going to have to get drunk right?!"

He stopped in his tracks and looked back at the brunette.

"Hey, don't look at me like that! It's part of my process!" - She shrugged, as Arizona looked between the two of them. She could see Boyd was considering Callie's declaration carefully.

"Alrigh'" - he said loudly - "I'll tell Seth to give you the keys, lock up and leave 'em…" - he hesitated and looked around - "you know where" - he said almost clandestinely.

Callie nodded and watched him walk away with a smile.

"What was that about?" - The blonde's voice pulled Callie's attention back towards her.


"You do that often?"- Asked Arizona, her curiosity getting the better of her - "stay back? Get into his liquor cabinet?"

"Don't be condescending!"

"I'm not! I'm genuinely curious…" - she stopped to take a bite, and hummed her satisfaction.

"Right…well, no… I mean… I find Joes too crowded and I… just" - she huffed, frustrated.

Arizona could see Callie's reluctance to talk, but if they were going to get anywhere, she needed to push the brunette once in a while - "it's you Cheers" - she said with a shrug of her shoulders. Her eyes never left the burger though.

"Excuse me? What?" - The brunette laugh-scoffs.

"You wuw?" - Arizona swallows and gives a sheepish smile, 'maybe she should go a little easy on the bite size?' - "just that, it's this place" - and she sings the rest, swinging a little in her seat and charting out a pendulum motion with the burger in her hands - *where everybody knows your naaa-aaame! They're always happy* -

- "Okay! Okay!" - Callie hisses, cutting her off, although she can't stop the slight smile that begins to force itself on her lips - "I get it! Quit your crooning!"

"So?" - The blonde asks after a big gulp of soda to chase down the burger.

"So what?"

"You don't like to go to Joe's and you come here, because..." - she asks with a quirk of an eyebrow.

"I can't believe I'm doing this" - Callie huffs and mumbles to herself as she tries her hand at explaining again - "look, you're right… Joe's… I have to socialize, and here they know me, but…" - she searches for the right thing to say -

- "They don't pressure you to talk…" -the blonde chimes in with an understanding smile.

"Yeah… no they don't… and when Rumella…" - Callie hesitated and tried to cover-up her unease by making it look like she needed a drink of water - "I used to come up here and explain the procedure to them." - She smiled, the glint of happiness in her eyes becoming increasingly visible to Arizona.

"It's a friggin Leviathan, this family! They nearly took over this entire space, and then I started coming more often…" -

- "Anhaan, I bet!" - Arizona interjected - "free food, hot oldies, what's not to like?"

"Exactly!" - Callie gave a slight laugh, catching the levity in the blonde's voice.

"And then, I started coming here more, because I got to know Rumie more. She had read about it and…" - Callie hesitated again -

- "I'm sorry, read about what?" - Arizona asked the brunette, her confusion written all-over her face.

Callie sighed, bracing herself for where this conversation was about to go; the blonde for her part stilled in her seat, her mind wracked with equal parts curiosity and concern.

"The… crash…" - Callie said nervously - "…Rumie had read about it and she recognised me from the papers and the news…" - she played with the fries now, making lines in the ketchup, unable to look into Arizona's eyes and see the pity and compassion most people would show her.

But, she continued - "Rumie… she tried to talk to me about it on her second visit, I shut her down. Became cold and kind of scary… she was just quiet throughout the rest of it, and when she left, she told me…"

Arizona couldn't help but notice as Callie's voice shook - "told you what?" - She whispered, her voice laced with love and concern.

"Rumie'd been in a plane crash too… back when they were made of twigs and Styrofoam, she always said… anyway… she of course survived it…" - Callie laughed a little hysterically, but quietly, taking the blonde by surprise - "anyway!" - She breathed - "She lived through it, without help or counselling. When I asked her, she'd whisper 'sex and babies, sex and babies, and sex…'"- the brunette chuckled - "… She was a real tough lady! And real soft too… when it counted." - The brunette sniffled through another soft laugh.

As she went to put her palm on her own cheek so she could sit closer to Callie over the table, Arizona realised she'd been crying for Rumella right along with Callie. It took her a little by surprise how much of herself, her happiness, was still invested in Callie… Callie's happiness. Now, especially after she was back and she could see Callie, hear her again… she couldn't tell why she'd ever even think to leave her.

Callie's words broke the blonde out of her reverie as she spoke again - "Her sister, Malvina, she died in the crash… nestled in her arms… just like…" - Callie stopped abruptly, and looked at Arizona, but she might as well have been looking through her. A near vacant look broke out on her face.

Arizona could see what Callie couldn't bring herself to say; she didn't need to be told… She looked at Callie and she just knew. But, this… it was enough to make her afraid for them, for herself, for Callie. 'How would they even begin to fix this?'

"So, how did you start coming here then?" - Arizona asked.

Callie's face changed into a strange, tenuous smile as she realised the blonde was giving her an out. "Well, that day, she called my office, I picked up and she invited me over. She said" -Callie stopped to rub her nose - "'Come. Eat. Talk. Don't-ah say no to my borsch!' And I couldn't stay away since. Then I came more often, they gave my own booth, and I started staying back to research cases and stuff. I hadn't moved out of the old apartment yet, so I" -

- "Hated going back there?" - Arizona finished.

Callie looked at her with gratitude - "so there you have it! And I replace the booze I have… buy them a new bottle, so" -

"Callie…" - the blonde sighed - "you don't have to defend yourself, I wasn't accusing you… I was just" -

"Okay" - the brunette sighed and put her hands up, as her next words drew a smile from Arizona - "I believe you".

A sizable silence passed between the two as Arizona pondered the significance of the night. Callie had talked about, well, mentioned the crash, and she'd cried and let Arizona comfort her… sort of. 'Well Shit! At this point Arizona would take just about anything, if it meant time with Callie.'

The blonde couldn't stand the silence anymore and all Callie really did was pick at her burger.

"So what's in this?" - asked the blonde.


"The D. C? What's in it?"

"Oh!" - The brunette marginally perked up - "its fried bacon, mozzarella, and a tomato omelette with chicken sausages, paprika, then pickles and English mustard with fried dill" - she nodded vigorously as counted off the ingredients on her fingers. Arizona looked on closely, fascinated by the work out she'd incurred from the workout gods.

"Oh!" - Callie exclaimed, making the blonde jump in her seat - "and a Russian-Italian hot sauce called Fred and Ginger!"

"It's not so hot!"

"Obviously! It's on the side… Not everyone can handle it, Arizona…" - she said it like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

Arizona loved this, this side of Callie.

"Why is it called Fred and Ginger?" - asked the blonde, her curiosity piqued.

"Well, it's simple really..." - the brunette said, as she went for the sauce and dipped a fry in it, and bit into it - "cause Fred and Rumie made it, and Rumie had like…" - she moved her hands around her head - "flaming red hair!"


"Don't mock them!"

"Right" - Arizona said, feeling a little chastised - "sorry."

"'S fine. Just… they were my friends" - Callie said, her voice small.

"No, of course they were Callie" - Arizona pleaded her apology yet again - "I'm sorry…"

"Hmmm…" - there it was, the silence… again, but this time they'd taken to looking at one another. Somewhere in the back they heard the last of the occupants of the dinner leave, and Boyd's voice boomed - "lock up, will you?!"

"Yeah!" - Callie sent her answer in a loud shout across the diner, not really looking away from the blonde.

"So? You going to try it?" - Arizona asked pointing to the White Russian.

"What?" - Asked the brunette still looking at her.

"The drink? The White Russian?"

Callie looked down at the glass, remembering the drink. She took it in her hand, feeling it having gone a little warm, but she didn't think anything of it - "sure".


"Mhhhmm" - she replied, picking up her glass, asking the blonde to do the same with the quirk of an eyebrow.

They both lifted their glasses and the air between them was filled with repeated murmurs of "to Fred", "to Rumie", "to Ginger", and then they clinked their glasses, and drank; the first of many that night.


A/N: Seems like there will be a Chapter 8, Part III. This is nearly 5000 words! I had to stop! I actually wanted to put in more of Fred and Rumie, but alas, this chapter was getting too big.

Spoiler: Nick features in the next chapter, not in the vein of a guest-star or what have you... But, he gets a sizable mention.

fanfic: callie torres, art: fanfiction, fanfic: arizona robbins, fanfic: callie/arizona

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