Oct 30, 2002 12:02
Wow this is my first entry. Since im a novice at this im not really sure on how to start. From my understanding im supposed to be writing like im talking to myself. First off i gotta say thanks to my home gurl nanna800 she's been my pillar for the last 2 months.
Some back round first:2 months ago had broken up with my girlfriend of a 1 year and a half because she didn't appreciate me and the life style i had given up for her. I had been asked to pose for 17 magazine and she didn't want me doing it i told her that right when i got there that i would call when ever i went any were. I even invited her to come with me to show here that i didn't have anything to hide. She still didn't want me to go so what do i do as a good boy friend....I turned it down. She didn't even say thank you..By the way i could have really used the money right now. She was also very vindictive she had told me that if i hurt her then she would hurt me to let me know how it feels. My argument was that when i do hurt her its not intensional but if she were to do it it would be wrong because shes going in with the intent to hurt. If you love some one your do everything to make them happy. I would never hurt my girl in the same way she had hurt me just to teach her a lesson. Well any way that just some of the problems. Im a firm believer that if you really love the person that you can give them a second chance but this would have been her 12th. It makes it harder for me to be away from her because she works with me and calls to talk.
now back to nanna being my pillar. I've had some weak moments and when ever i feel like ill be able to take her back i talk to nanna. Her famous saying to me is"if you know the road is bad why travel down it a second time". Makes sences. I still love her but i know she not the one for me. I feel better and im more confident with my self now that im not with her. Dee Thanks for those long talks and the inspirational words.
Well to day is turning out to ge a good day. Weathers great but cold, got a new cd and work is going pretty good...so far. Plans for today. Apple bees with Boon and Amanda then off to nanna's house for the weekly family. If you guys haven't caught on yet nanna is the mother figure out of our group. Dayam I wrote a book...I think im getting better at this