Jan 25, 2005 22:28
1. Which LiveJournal friend would you most likely take a bullet for? When I 1st decided to do this, I thought this question would b easy. But Ive realized, all of u r important to me. I wouldnt want any to b hurt. So I would take a bullet for all of u. No 1 person.
2. If you had to be either a pile of crap or a toilet seat, which one would you be and why? I would like to be neither. Crap stinks and loos gross, and a toilet can have some good views. But for the wide loads that would be disgusting beyond words. Besides if youre the toilet seat for a guy doesnt have aim and that doesnt put up the lid, ull get pissed on
3. What is your favorite sit-down restaurant? Lately I would say my favorite restaurants r Chili's, Fridays or Frannies Kitchen and Diner. My best times eating with friends and family have been there.
4. What is your dream job? A dream job would be something I got paid well for without doing much. I had resposibilty and could be free to make decisions; preferably my own boss. Id want to be creative and give a different part of me in each job. So Id like to be a landscape architect. I could plan my own schedue as I wanted. I could have a team to do the installing of plants. So I would land the deals and draw of the plans. Either that or a commeerical photographer for a well established magazine to take pictures of celeberities like Beyonce'.
5. What four friends would you take with you if you had to move to another country right this second? I have to pick only four right. I would take Sam since I consider him my best friend. The other person would be Ash b/c I alwayz without a doubt have fun when around her. Shan would be option three. Ure my girl big Blue. Sorry old chorus expersion. And Christina. U c Chris knows so many ppl, so she could invite everyone else.
6. What is something you love the smell of? Girls hair that has been freshly washed. I love walking into a green house. The aroma of all the blooming flowers meeting you @ once. And I love the smell of a cake baking in the oven.