Jan 02, 2007 17:11
Holy cow, I leave 3 weeks today!!! How AMAZING is that!
Have finally organised what work hours I'll be doing between now and finishing on the 19th. Finish in the 24/7 shift team next Wednesday, and back to normal hours on Thursday. And of course, that DELIGHTFUL trip to Sydney next Friday. But lets not grumble about those Americans and their visas!! Lynn's coming to Sydney for the day with me so its going to be lots of fun :)
Packed my first box a few days ago. It was my bookshelf. I cant ever remember a time when I've had a bare bookshelf. And took down the photos and posters. I learnt a valuable lesson. My Dad always had a huge thing about putting sticky tape on walls and yelling and raving about it, but I always did it anyway. Now that I've spent 2 hours scrubbing my cupboard door clean of sticky tape marks, I totally understand. My children shall never use sticky tape on the walls!!
Having a blast with everyone at work, so shall be sad to leave. And enjoyed a nice New Year's with miss fleen. Thinking maybe she'll have less time to miss me now that she's going to become a big famous opera student and star!!! :P But I think once I finally get to Canada, nothing is going to compare to how amazing it will be to be with Yves again. Compromise can be tough but I think I'll be okay :)