Jul 09, 2007 14:37
After $30 million and only open for 60 days, Wild West World has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy and closed for the season. I'm really not surprised that it failed but it's really too bad. Personally, from what I've been reading over the months in the Eagle, I think Etheridge's attendance projections smacked of a disconnect from reality. He wasn't being realistic. Had their been a super roller coaster to rival Worlds of Fun or Frontier City and maybe even some significant landscaping to make the park look more hospitable, perhaps... As it is, the park looks like a bunch of kiddie rides in an empty field. Not appetizing. Part of the appeal of WoF is the trees (at least it is for me). It makes everything look different... more magical.
We still weren't sure if there would be enough thrill to fork over the admission price so we'd not been. Guess now we'll not know unless it's sold and reopened.