Jul 22, 2009 02:27
So, the past couple of weeks have been incredibly stressful. It's really been taking a lot out of me. It's one of those times that just seems like it's one thing after the other. I mean it's not as bad as having two members of your family die within hours of each other... (which actually happened to me! I'll tell the story later...), but damn has it been getting to me.
So, first of all, I'd been working two jobs right? One at this little pizza place down the road and graveyards at our local Burger King, mostly because it was close to home and it was one of the only places I could think of that I would be able to get an actual overnight position at. So I had been doing my thing, I had my schedule all worked out all sexy so I had plenty of days off and was still making enough money to pay all my bills.
So I go into work one evening, and everybody is talking about how the local burger king had been on the news only minutes before our shift started, but nobody really knew that much about it, they just said that some of the students (The American culture students from other countries brought in to work and study american culture throught immersion.) had been on the news. They named the ones they saw on tv and I realized that I had known all of the ones that they mentioned. I also noticed something else that was a little strange. Most nights I would work with at least one of the students, and this night none of them were working, and they had just hired a handful of new people.
Now, I only worked there three nights a week, so I wasn't able to keep up with all the shit that went down there, and honestly I didn't give a shit about any of it. until this happened.
So, I get off work and am lying in bed about to doze off, and I decide to get online and do some research and see if I can't find something about the local burger king and the students, so I go on google and find the exact story everyone had been talking about. It was SO fucked up... after reading the story I was wide awake and very very pissed off.
As it turns out, burger king owns some houses that they had been renting out to some of these students. And one of these houses was a little tiny shack about the size of a smalll garage. It was filled up with air mattresses and a tiny dirty bathroom. The windows didn't open and all they had to cook on was one skillet to share between the FIVE of them that lived in this little shack and a little electric two range portable stovetop.
According to the story online, these guys complained to the management that the living situation was not satisfactory and burger king responded by first firing them, then calling the police to evict them. The cops showed and saw the living situation that these were being forced into, and the rest is history, Burger King is now under investigation by immigration.
Anyway, after I found this story, I called my boss and literally asked him what the fuck was going on with this. I told him that I found a really fucked up story on the internet about some of the students and started drilling him with questions, he copped out and said he couldn't comment and that the store manager would be there later if I wanted to talk to her, so i told him I would definitely be there.
So I showed up and I quit. I told them that I couldn't work for people like that, I mean they pretty boldly showed that they don't give a shit about people, or their rights, or labor laws or any of it. I mean this was basically modern day slavery, they were bringing these kids in, charging them 350 each a month to live in that little shack and charging them for rides to work. One of them that I talked to, said he had been working at this store for like a month and had still not gotten any money out of the deal, he said that whenever he would get paid he would just have to pay it all back to burger king.
I gave them my two cents and I stuck strong to my beliefs. I figured that I could always just get more hours at the pizza place. So I told everybody that worked with me at the pizza place about Burger King and how i had quit. A couple had asked if I was gonna be needing more hours and I told them that I would. And everything seemed like it was gonna work out the way I had planned and it was all gonna be fine and dandy. So the weekend came and I was happy.
Sunday rolls around and I hadn't worked since friday, and I go in to get a pizza and I decide to look at the schedule since it was laying out on the table, and I notice that my name is still on the schedule, but there are no hours next to it at all. I figured that maybe they were adjusting my hours or something, I was a little worried about it, but I didn't think it was that big of a deal...
So I go in the next day to see if they had fixed the problem or not, and they totally hadn't and the schedule had been hung up, so it was the official up to date schedule. And I was still without any hours. So I filed for unemployment while I'm looking for another job. there's really nothing here. It's crazy because it feels the recession has finally hit home for real. I mean both my jobs (when I had them lol) were slowing down drastically, and now there are really no jobs out there at all. There's a job I found at the workforce center roofing for eight bucks an hour. I'm gonna apply cause I have to cause there's really nothing else, but that work is barely worth fifteen bucks an hour, it's gonna really suck dick doing it for only eight bucks...
I don't know, maybe things will work out. the band is really the only going good right now. We're starting to get some momentum built up with our myspace and we're finally starting to work out some shows... so once all that gets going it's gonna be really amazing!
Anyway, I should prolly get to bed so I can get up early and start the job hunt again... you know, I think looking for work is something I hate far worse than working... lol