(no subject)

Jan 08, 2005 03:36

Wow, I suck at updating this! I have so much to say, so little motivation to say it. :\

* babygotbass: Thank you for the holiday card! When I go back to school in two days and retrieve all of the Xmas cards I so wisely left there, you can definitely expect one. I'm just saving the best for last, though, right?
* Where has this pic been all my life? I realize it's probably insanely old, seeing as I found it buried in an archive, but damn that boy is hot. And wearing HP merchadise! Mmm...
* Fic: A lot of it has rocked lately. Having an flist is a great way to get recs, who knew? But on the flip side, there is absolutely no reason that I should have to read two stories in one month in which Harry is found to be better off in Slytherin, and as a result deserts all his old friends. In both fics he sort of makes up with Hermione in the end, but hates Ron until the end of time because he's a horrible unsympathetic jerk. AHHH!!! I think it scarred me for life.
* I'm in this RPG with Starwatcher (the RL friend who isn't quite sure if fandom is her thing or not), and so far it's been fun. But I'm so bad at it! I never update, and when I do it's half-assed. I didn't have a job this break, but what did I do instead of post? Read fic, fight with my parents and sit on my ass. I feel like such a bad person. After all, I'm attempting to be active in fandom now- shouldn't I love me some RPG? Grrr!
* I deleted my journal for a few days. A "friend" from home found me, but now I'm pretty sure that I've convinced him to go play elsewhere. Then I thought that Starwatcher found me, which would've been the kiss of death, but she seems to be playing dumb. So who knows? Don't be surprised if I disappear soon. I'd really rather not, though. I don't want to be "that girl" who's always changing her name. Not to mention the fun public scorn that would accompany such a scenario. :\
* Somewhat relatedly, my computer completely died right before Xmas. I spent most of that day drinking my parent's expensive gin, whining to random_sygygy's Super Secret RPG Aim Name (note: not really super secret at all), and trying not to cry as my friend with the anger management problems stabbed my CD-ROM drive with a pocketknife. Everything's a-ok now, but damn. That day sucked. And needless to say, I lost a lot of data that I'd been accumulating since middle school.
* My mother has been feeding me waaaay too much pork/ham. I can't say that I mind.
* I have no money! I have no idea how I'm going to pay for my last semester of school. And I only have 3 months to figure it out! YEA!!!
*It's late, and this is all I can think of for now. Don't be surprised if I spam everyone tomorrow with all that I forgot. :D
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