Gandhi was _______, Muslims are ________, Islam has ________, RSS is ________, Aryans were _________, what is spirituality if not a bogus term? There are so many contradicting references accepted(authentic? dunno) for such "Assertions/Questions" and so much manipulated news doled out everyday that authenticity seems to be getting lost in plurality.
And there are others which I can't help arguing on like
Is Ayurveda science?,
Yoga is for old and weak,
Environmentalism is a bogus cause,
and the most hilarious one "walking is an old people exercise"
I doubt if even reading all the references cited by various school of thoughts can help one reach a precise conclusion. Even if one does, he would be be tagged as "a person with some assertion" but most people's views would still exist ... dear democracy allows us to hold both our pee and assertions at our free will.
Taking advantage of being born in DC, following are FEW of my beliefs which I felt to share. I perceive these are way better than those whose minds have been colored by reading ISLANDS.
- Religion was the set of laws that helped govern one's life in the past but in the contemporary world, people will have to align themselves and their religion to the new world order ... show intolerance towards ridiculous rituals of your own religion.
- There is no justification for human/animal suffering, the single most importance measure that can help define good and bad ... start abandoning anything that justifies it and your God will appreciate it ... if He doesn't, no use in appeasing such heartless invisible fellow. I used to feed milk intended to be showered on shiva's idol to street dogs with the same argument in mind ... never had to read any books to find a justification for my act.
- Don't let unbelievable claims stain the entire XYZ science bogus ... don't let ayurveda suffer because a moron says that ayurveda has cure to cancer, don't let "rushing to conclusion" breed with the claims like "ancient india had developed rocket science " negate the work of an entire civilization
- Anytime you read news, remember that reporters/media don't come from the mythological satyuga. they are a representative of political and corporate powers. If a person doesn't understand the term "religious fundamentalism", I can't help but have pity on him.
- Riot is a crime but no justification for tagging a whole community criminal/violent
- I don't need any documentary/book/research article to prove me that environment is degrading, I have been on this earth for more than two decades, and the surroundings I have grown in have only worsened. If you have doubts about "environment degradation", I have doubts whether you have lived on earth or heavens.
- Religious Scriptures - There are so many interpretations possible that finding a correct reference is a daunting task. First and foremost problem is that we don't know what were the intentions of the writer behind writing them. For example, did he want to say things symbolically or literally? You don't have to be a linguist to know that word can have multiple meanings. So if anybody quotes anything which I find against basic human values, I start doubting the interpretation given in his/her reference. I doubt how much researching the correct interpretation can help as its hard to make dogma believe the novelty.
- Further, in my understanding, any work is a work of certain era and the writer's work to some extent would have been surely governed by the prevailing conditions and therefore might be justified in his/her times. If we realize this, we would realize that there's nothing bad/narrow in scriptures but our attitude to be "lakeer k fakeer".
- And lastly, a leader who can survive on "power as a drug" and keeps nothing else for himself/herself and "tries" to be as much fair as possible, s/he is way better than any person who walked on this earth. At the same time, his mistakes cannot be ignored but he can be forgiven for nobody is god. Even the best scientists experience errors in their well planned experiments.
- Whatever different ideologies our freedom fighters believed in, one of their common attribute I believe they had was concern for the nation and its people which very few of us can claim to possess.