Free speech, однако, и свобода мысли.

Feb 13, 2013 14:20

Local WTWO-TV news coverage of the meeting zeroed in on Diana Medley (pictured above), a special education teacher at the nearby Union Junior/Senior High School, who didn’t hold back when asked about the issue of gay couples at the prom.

“We don’t agree with it. It’s offensive to us,” she told a reporter, who then asked Medley if she thought that gays had any purpose in life. “No I honestly don’t,” she said, smiling. “Sorry, but I don’t. I don’t understand it.”

Footage of Medley’s comments flew around the Internet, inspiring activist and writer Dan Savage to call for her termination, as well as an online petition, calling for the same, with more than 8,000 signatures.


Why is it all the people calling for tolerance are themselves intollerant of others opinions unless they agree with their own? You can't have it both ways folks. You want people to be tolerant of your choices but you in turn are intollerant of their choice.

Greg • "If you do not agree with us you must be fired." When did it become job-threatening to use free speach in America?

CurtG • So if you're pro-gay, everything is ok. But to have a differing opinion is now grounds for termination?

JW • The teacher's comments didn't sound that bad. She just said it was offensive to her (group) and she didn't understand it. Just telling the truth. Not like she was tellling people to do hate crimes or attack gays. She has a right to her opinion. I didn't get to go to my prom and I'm not gay. So what.

Kenny • what is this a witch hunt? you can't hold a public job unless you embrace homosexuality?
The woman didn't preach to her students, she was asked by a reporter

Wayne • Tolerance and agreement are two different things. Just because someone may be tolerant of your choices does not mean that person agrees with your choices. The homosexual crowd are not very bright if they expect everyone to agree with their choice and whereas the government may be able to force folks to be tolerant of homosexuality they will never be able to force folks to agree with homosexuality being a proper activity.

menanny • Let's get this straight (no pun intended) - the gays are constantly pushing their agenda on us, asking for tolerance, but yet they are not tolerant of our view on their lifestyle. Bunch of hypocrites. She has a right to her opinion - it may not agree with yours - tough noogies!

либерасты, коля-посель, liberals, politics

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