Jan 10, 2005 19:17
wow. its been a whilee..im ON VACATION rightt now--saling somewere in the middle of the ocean going towrds somewere in mexicann riviaraa..i miss syopsset so much--sounds kinda wierdd but its truee. well vacations been good to
saturday afternoon we got here were ont eh boat around 4 had a safety thingg from 5 to 6 and my luggage got lost-of course my luckkk. but it was fiund around 8-ish i unpackedd got dressed went to a 8*30-9-00 dinnerish weith everyone in my groupp. were about 55 people. I have to addmit this cruise would b muchh bettr with more kidss-theres not mani, ive been haning out withyt eh group of kids from th bisness group. there a lot of funn thoughh im basically ther oungest out of the peopl i hang out witht ehy go up to about 22 so my parrents trust me with them, so ive been goign to teh clubb n bars with them its been fun and its onli day 3 =)
saturday nyte we had dinner and walked around it was raining out so we hung out in the indoor pool for a while--hit up the hot tubb and walked around teh arcade/ casino for a few hours =) wzas bac int eh rrom around 3*30-ish
sunday- woke upp earlie bc of the time change hung out ont eh balcony for a while-ot a little motion sicness but i actaully did som homework --NOT o well but i shoukd start doing that--ne way saturday was pretty crappy weather as well--verii windy and a few rain dropss. stayed indorss--llunchh abnd a formal night dinner--dressing upp it was liek prom for adultss--cuute. after dinner went to a 11*00 comedyy hour. then wet to bed around 2 too tired to go outt after that
sunday--FIRST DAYY OF SUNSHINEE =) aboutt 80 degreess so niice. hyung around the pool for hours. so manyy peoplee. met a feww kids around 17-21 ((looks like theres no one my age on theis boatt)) but its funn --and everyone seems to be from california or ohio kentuky alabama..omg im in lovee with eevryones accent thoughh !! ..i also got a one hour fukll bopdy massage todayy --matt iwould like uto kno i was given a male therapist and i told him i have a boyfriend and i dont think he would like it if i malee was rubbing me likee thiss--so i got a femalee =) lol i love you matt. well now everyone went out to dinner me and a few of the grlss staying in ordering room servicee the goign to kariokee barr and another comedy showw later. ill update agin in a few dayss we ghit out first spott tmoomrw at 7*am im swinging from tresss =)
its a jungle tour ..woo hoo
((i wont have amny pictures because my digitals boken but im trying to get as many as i cann ))
MATTY BABY- i miss you soo muchh, i wishh i couldd be with youu right now- and it suckk these copmputers bloked all access to any time of aim so iwont be able to talk to youu till i get bacc but if you see this comment or e-mail me i can checkk that babybaronxo@yahoo.com i love you baby and ill probably clal you tonytee--i jsut dont kno the time difference, i love you soo muchh xoxox <3
casey kelly danis.chrsitie amanda alyssa danig. chels ro linds mike dave walsh andd everyonee im forgetting im soorry im bing rushedd ths godndam compeueters cost so muchh--but i love you and miss you all soo muchh...i think im still grounded wen i get bacc but i cant wait to see u guys in school..xoxox LOVE YOU ALL mwa..
dave and jonn lemme kno if you went to the cityy yett !! xox