May 25, 2004 21:37
I can't stand it when people are phony, especially when it comes to being troubled. Like they look for reasons to be depressed. "Look, my friend and I got in a fight. Look someone broke my heart. Look, I'm just naturally depressed, I swear." Shut up, I hate you. You don't know what it's really like. For those of us, such as me, who have actually dealt with death, disease, rape, drug abuse, extreme depression, neglect, helplessness, and numerous other things all you look like is a fucking whiny piece of shit. "Oh no, I got jaded" who the hell cares? You weren't raped at least. Be quite, you don't have problems. I just can't fucking stand it any more. You're not deep, you're not complex, and stop wishing you were. Some of us actually shed tears because we mourn, not like you. You shed them for the sake of shedding tears. That's sick. I hate you.