Dec 16, 2005 23:49
teenager, we all dream when we're young of being one, then when we become one some of us wonder why we wanted to be one in the first place. I mean, yeah you have more fun when your a teenager, you have more "power" (in a way) but, "with great power comes great responsability", why can't you just have fun and not worry about things, I mean you usually don't think about the consequences of your actions, then they hit you. why can't you have fun and no worrys? cause life don't work that way. life (especially for teens) is hard, its full of drama, heartache, and trouble. I mean whatever happened to eing a kid, when you could play all day, and breaking up with your G/F (or B/F) was nothing!! I mean kids are juss so carefree, no worrys, no heartache, (most of the time) no troubles. then you grow up, troubles, peer presure, depression, and tons of other stuff. you can't get away from it! its like its waiting around the corner to jump out at you!! you can't escape it. when your a teen, you get in more serious relationships, and it causes a lot of heartache when they end. you have peer presure, about drugs, and other stuff. I mean, its depressing. when your a kid the biggest thing that might happen to you is not getting that Toy you wanted, when your a teen you have so much more to worry about. I mean, juss thinking about it makes me feel awfull.
and as for school, well I have little hope of graduating. I want to graduate, but its not Very likely. and there are so many things I want to do in life. like one of my dreams since I was a little kid was to go out west on a hunting trip. and without a high school education I won't be able to.even with a highschool education its not likely. and if I do graduate highschool, I doubt I'll go to college.
I want to go to college and get a degree in forestry, or Wildlife biology, but I doubt I'll be able to do it. and that pretty much dashes my dreams of going out west. but "I can do all things through Christ Who strengthenth me" (Phil. 4:14?) so I just trust in God that maybe one day he'll let me do that.
and thats really the soloution for a lot of the problems have nowadays! is trusting in God. I kno a girl (she's 23) but she recently gave her life over to God, and her life has changed so much, she went from worryig about everything, to trusting that God would take care of her, and her life has turned around! she went from just about commiting suicide when she broke up with a guy that she was serious about, to (she still crys) saying "God must not have wanted him for me" cause she trusts that God will take care of her. and He does!! and all you have to do is trust in him!! He might not give you that Ferarri you been wanting, he might not give you the guy (or girl) you been dreaming about since highschool, but He'll make sure you have what you need. I mean the Bible says "he feeds the sparrows, who don't grow, or work for their own food, And we're Much more important than they are, so H'll take care of us too" (paraphrased from Matt. 6:26) but you have to do more than trust God, you have to believe in Him too. All you have to do is believe that God died on the cross to save you, and confess it with your mouth and you will be saved! (Romans 10:13 for whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.) and once your saved, you just have to trust in God, and believe that he'll take care of you, it'll be hard, you may wonder if He really cares, but He's Prolly just testing you to see if you really believe that He'll take care of you. You have to have faith. I've been a Christian for a few years now, and I just recently learned to have complete faith in God, and He juss recently started blessing me.
you can read back in my LJ and see what it was like for me, but I had faith, and trusted in Him, and now I'm being rewarded for it. and its the same for you. like I've said you just have to believe in Him, and have faith that He'll take care of you! and He will!! so I'll quit writing and leave you with that thought.
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