well today was okay i went to the park and faed the ducks and then royale came over and hung out wit her then beth came over and stayed the night and i talked to gennifer and daneille on the phone
shoutz of thee day:
royale~u so can do hair beths hair is soo cute great job lol the grill lol
beth~well i no wat the do to animalz is curl i cryed my self i will never look @ meat the same way again!!! ly gurlie
gennifer~omg u great i loove ya lol
think of those baby pigs just born bein thorwin around like nothin!
even dogs treat as nothin
think about it wat sum people are doin to animals just for food!!! it just anit right!!the way sum people kill aniaml just for us to eat!!!!!!! THINK ABOUT IT!!!! gods livin things killed soo curl!