May 21, 2005 23:20
i am the lonliest person i know.
i have nobody
absolutley no one
no one has any idea
i feel pathetic
"you only think you like him because he flirted with you"
"you have to realize it may no happen again, he wasnt in his right mind"
you know me too well
i know you know
and yet i still wonder sometimes
but im so dumb
i need someone to need me like i need them
i want some body so bad
i just want to be held
to be loved
to be wanted
to be understood
to be appriciated
but its never gonna be that way
theres no one there for me
or out there for me
all my friends
young and in love
their bfs love them back
and i just sit there and watch
and wait
and wait
and wait
and want
why not me
why cant i have someone
because i dont deserve it.