Feb 05, 2005 19:06
this has been the longest weekend of my life. and I'm not saying that in either a good or bad way. I'm just sick of everyone, and yes you can all suck my left nut I'm a bitch. I don't know anymore...and another thing, this guy i used to like wouldent go out with me because his friend liked me and now my friend likes him and he likes her and hes all over her in front of his friend that likes my friend. idk it's fucked up i just dont get it.maybe there's something wrong with me and it's not just guys.
my magazine says...
"guys don't really worry about 'ruining the friendship'. if a guy you're friends with-but want more from-claims he doesn't want to cross the line into romance because he's scared of 'ruining the friendshi[.' he's lying. that's dude-speak for 'you're not my type.' it stings when a guy doesn't like you back, but azzepting it frees to look for other guys. you'll spare yourself months of waiting for him to come around."
do you think it's right? i thought i was getting somewhere but this is making me second guess myself.