so i had heard about "kid nation" a while back. it's a new reality show by CBS where a bunch of kids are left alone to build a city, or something, without the supervision of adults. sounded silly, sort of exploitative, wasn't going to watch.
but as the premiere date draws closer (this wednesday), im getting curious. especially after seeing this promo over and over again:
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yes it's super dramatic, yes it still looks exploitative of young people, but damn does it look interesting.
the controversy of child safety and that CBS may have violated child labor laws, oh and some kids get hurt (!!) doesn't deter me. i'm still interested. come wednesday night, i'll be watching.
to get too into myself, i think that im interested because of my work with youth. while there are days when kids bash each other in the head and drive you crazy, there are days that are rewarding and kids that surprise you. while they'll fight, i predict they'll do some good on that show. people forget that kids grow and learn constantly. every day they have an epiphany and it's amazing to bear witness to that. i think it'll be successful because society has been so negative about youth for so long. here's a way to be hopeful again.
also, it's reality tv, and who doesn't like that?