Aug 15, 2004 23:54
TreeBaby11: hay
lilfroggy7387: hey
TreeBaby11: wudup dawg
lilfroggy7387: who is this/
TreeBaby11: this is rodney. whos this
lilfroggy7387: carole
TreeBaby11: oh hey girl
lilfroggy7387: how'd you get my sn?
TreeBaby11: whats goin on
lilfroggy7387: not much
TreeBaby11: muthu
lilfroggy7387: oo
lilfroggy7387: did ya'll have a fun weekend?
TreeBaby11: yea. it was alrite
TreeBaby11: whatd you do
lilfroggy7387: just hung and such
lilfroggy7387: not much
lilfroggy7387: did ya'll do anything?
TreeBaby11: drove around and stuff
TreeBaby11: i went to teh jamboree fri
lilfroggy7387: was that fun?
TreeBaby11: yea it was tite
lilfroggy7387: did ya'll win?
TreeBaby11: nah. but its alrite
TreeBaby11: i got waaasteeed
TreeBaby11: did you do any of that thsi weekend
lilfroggy7387: ummm
lilfroggy7387: just a little
TreeBaby11: ooohh
TreeBaby11: didnt invite me
lilfroggy7387: sorry
lilfroggy7387: i didn't have your number
lilfroggy7387: and
lilfroggy7387: it was last minute and such
TreeBaby11: oh right right
TreeBaby11: didnt meet any new boys now did you
TreeBaby11: you gotta call next weekend dawg
lilfroggy7387: course not
lilfroggy7387: i'll try
TreeBaby11: coolcool
TreeBaby11: well whatcha doing thsi week
lilfroggy7387: i don't know yet
lilfroggy7387: school mostly
TreeBaby11: well if i'm in town you want me to give you a call
lilfroggy7387: yea sure
TreeBaby11: whats your number
lilfroggy7387: 247-6106
TreeBaby11: alright cool
lilfroggy7387: mk
TreeBaby11: youre gonna answer huh
lilfroggy7387: lol
lilfroggy7387: i should
lilfroggy7387: unless i'm busy
TreeBaby11: alright. you know your friends
TreeBaby11: they dont asnwer their phones
lilfroggy7387: lol
lilfroggy7387: well they don't always hear them
TreeBaby11: well laura. she said she always answers her
TreeBaby11: but i dont know bout that
lilfroggy7387: well
TreeBaby11: what
lilfroggy7387: i mean she normally answers but its not always w/ her and such
lilfroggy7387: well i g/g sleep
lilfroggy7387: ttul
TreeBaby11: alrite dawg
TreeBaby11: you call me
TreeBaby11: better
lilfroggy7387: i'll try
lilfroggy7387 is away at 11:49:59 PM.