Dec 26, 2007 11:10
Well, I survived another motorcycle road trip. It was great! High points include:
-Good weather
-Eating out
-Networking possible internship at a bar in the middle of nowhere
-Terlingua Ghost Town
-Beer-drinking goat mayor of Lajitas
-Haunted Hotel Limpia in Fort Davis
Not so good:
-The Gage hotel in Marathon (trains, no food, more trains)
-Bad weather coming home
-Almost losing tank bag (wallet, phone, etc.)
-Getting sick
Overall, it was pretty cool. I'm back in Rockwall now so if you want the full story, call me or something. See facebook for pics.
Christmas was good, got Order of the Phoenix movie, books and cds, ZZ TOP record, tshirt, good stuff. Classes don't start til Jan 14 so now i'm just hanging out. I have to make a list of all the things that are wrong with my car and get some of that stuff fixed, so that sucks. That is all.