Oct 03, 2005 21:02
I have been doing a lot the past few weeks. Homecoming is all over with and it was the best homecoming I have ever been to! I was voted onto homecoming court with Dan Oliver "House" I rode in the pariade and waved to people! Chris Morgan asked me to homecoming of Course I said yes and I think I had the best night of my life saturday night because of him. He is really something special. I enjoy spending time with him so much. Chris is the typw of guy that would stick up for mf is something we saying something about me or, hurting me in any way. He wouldn't just stick up for me though, he would do it for any girl which shows he really is a GOOD GUY. He's really something special...and I like him a looooooot. After homecoming we went to Brandon's house and had a fire. I am really happy for Brandon I think he finally found someone who will make him happy and I hope they end up together. I Love Lauren and Lance so much...those two really make me happy and they let me know everything will be okay and there is someone out there for everyone. I never really feel bad around them.
I am really enjoying school this year I have all easy classes and I am doing pretty good. I have been looking into colleges and art schools. It's all coming so fast...it's really scary....to think I have less than 2 years left..It's werid I just spent 13 years with most of these kids and some..I might never see again. So I am living up what I have left and not wasting anytime being sad or lonely. Things are all coming together
I can play sports again. I play AYSO soccer but I hurt my ankels the first game and ripped the skin off my ankels and this sunday I will be playing again. I am going to try out for Volleyball and Soccer for the school I would love to make varsity on both and get my Jacket then go back senior year and be a football cheerleader and get that on my jacket too. I am really happy how everything is going right now. I Looooooooove being me right now and I Love all my friends and the people around me....Everything always going to be okay.
Lots Of Love
*Joe Cocker*