Sep 24, 2007 22:19
Trying has gotten me nowhere. In school, that is. Studying does nothing for me. The thing is, I'm not stupid. I'm definately not. But when it comes to tests, I blow it. Even if I do study for hours before hand, I never seem to do well. So now I have learned that I should just stop trying because no matter what, I'm going to get a terrible grade. Might as well not feel terrible about myself after spending so much time working at something and then still doing awful. It's just flat out depressing. I might as well get a sucky grade and know it was because I didn't try then to know that I tried so hard and am still doing terrible.
I mean seriously, throw me a fricking bone here. What am I doing so wrong? Maybe I'm just not cut out for this college crap. Maybe I'm just not cut out to be successful. Maybe I'm just .. not.