One of these days....

Dec 27, 2003 20:21

Stomy weather..the way the sky looks when its cold..and you were with me..and we were aware of the world..Took a picture..and saw the real meaning of what had been missing all along..
You look at the sky in the country and you see something that doesn't get much clearer what I am seeing now..
You can look at the stars all you want..and each time you look at them..You feel something that no one can take away..I wanna feel secure in my life. And knowing what I know is going to get me much farther..I don't know how I stumbled upon this life, but I know that everything that happens to me is supposed to be the way it is, and I love every minute of it. No matter whether its tragic or the most serene and magical peace you could ever reveal. I never really wanted the typical life..You know...I think that to many people try to plan their lives out and try to organize the way they want to live for the rest of their life. And then one day you you find something or someone and you forget about trying to control everything and you don't worry as much about where you are going to go and how you'll get there you just know that what you have found you don't want to lose. You kind of just leave it up to fate. And you can't change what you feel and when you find something like that..please..don't let it go..Because that something is going to push you and hold you up to be the person you've wanted to be...they're gonna give you life that will carry you and let you know that even if everything isn't going the way you have that...and that's always going to be in your heart..
Sometimes when I get up on stage I would feel so nervous. I thought I was going to pass out. I could feel my legs giving because of how scared I was to perform. And Once I got out there...after I got through my nerves and I swallowed every ounce of what I was feeling..I was able to light up the stage. I could feel the power of all those people watching me..and I liked it..I liked it alot...And when I knew the song was over..I had this full feeling inside..And lately...I've felt that way..You're scared at first..cause you can't believe what you've been given..Its something so special that you don't know whether you're going to wake up from it..And you can't question it...because once you realise how lucky and real it all see the beauty of what you've put your heart into...
I think that whenever you put your heart into something..It will give back to you in return..You don't get a feeling of accomplishment like when I would dance, but you get this feeling that could take you anywhere..and you know you had something you didn't before..And thats the wonderful part about your has always bothered me how people say that your heart-aches..But your heart is just another part of your body...its just another organ..and yet it feels come your kidneys can't be inlove..I mean that sounds really gay and lame, but i'm just trying to make my point..And when you say you really love something..your heart feels it..I can't explain it..or try to even start...but I know that i'm living with this feeling of unexplainable feelings..good feelings..something that I don't wanna lose...Fate has brought me this far...And if it wasn't for every move that I've made throughout my life..I wouldn't be able to say what I'm saying right now..Every friendship..every place..everytime..and this is where I stand..this is where I'm standing to live my life..and I thank God for every piece of what I am able to endure. Because I could've never imagined anything so special..
~Close your eyes and I will be swimming...
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