Mar 01, 2005 14:28
I need someone to make me an icon that matches my paint shop is down and I haven't had time to download a new if someone would be so kind to do that for me i would appreciate it..if you make one just leave a comment and put it there for me...thank ya!!!
I am really sick...I have some sort of a virus that the doctor said might turn into the flu..this sucks!! I have been laying around all day watching lifetime movies and Count Yoga, There's nothing on tv and I have nothing else to do. I'm gonna go lay down and watch some more movies in a minute.
Samantha spent the night Saturday and we made a's not quite up and running yet and we need a icon for that if someone would please make us one that says: thats___h0tt on it and it has to be black and the color blue that my journal is. That would be appreiciated too....oh yeah..and if someone makes one i'll make them one that says whatever they want when I get my psp back.
My fish is about to won't eat and it is turing It is about 7 years old and it is just pitiful (sp?).
I'm gonna get off here and go do somethin. I don't know what but ill find something to do...♥ ya'll!