Hi, this is Inoo! I'm reporting from Hong Kong! We've just landed, ah, it's so hot but I can't wait to see the city, eat some of their famous egg pie, and try their milk teas! (○゜ε^○) I heard there's a lot of milk tea varieties, I've trained my body for this moment. To those who've tried HK milk teas, what're the good ones?
There's this guy who reminded me last night to pack enough undies for the trip. I hope he's packed enough for himself hmpf ~(>_<。)\ I didn't over pack but I did remember to bring my own hair iron...these guys can cause havoc with hair supplies, so I'll charge when someone borrows it ok!
Speaking of that guy, he's too cute isn't he?
I brought pictures (ц`ω´ц*)
Yuuto-kunnnn☆彡you look like a...politician?? wwwwwwww
I kind of ego-searched too (I DON'T DO THIS ALL THE TIME YOU KNOW, JUST FOR TODAY!) Bonus!
Have a great weekend everyone!