WIP Naruto oneshot

Oct 15, 2010 11:37

Somehow, I think that this'll become one of my favorite fanfics that I've written.

It's a WIP. Which is why it seems so cluttered. Idk why I even think that I'll come to love it, but, you know. It's like. Yeah. Yeah, like that feeling you get when you do something out of the blue and then you get this feeling that you actually want what you're doing in this spontaneous, roundabout manner.

Not even making any sense.

(This is a story about two men.

It just might be a love story.

But don’t hold onto that thought. They have a lengthy track record for screwing things up.)

“Hey, Sasuke, just now,” Naruto paused for a bit before he grinned, “did you just smile?”

“Don’t be stupid,” was Sasuke’s reply.

If Naruto squinted at just the right moment, he could see that there was the smallest of smiles partially hidden by Sasuke’s hair.

(This is a story about two boys who went away.

One of them came back.

The other, well, that’s an entirely different thing, but he’s sort of back now.)

“Yeah. That’s not so bad sometimes,” he said. He yawned and put his hands behind his head. He looked at the sky. “It’s so blue today. Makes you really think about summer, doesn’t it?”

“Does it?” As Sasuke looked up, his eyes bled red and the tell-tale commas of his Sharingan spun round and round.

(This is about Naruto who loves everyone and whom everyone loves.

And about Sasuke who can love no more and whom no one -- excluding Naruto, always excluding -- loves anymore.

Funny, isn’t it?)

“I love you.”

It was Naruto who said it.

Sasuke’s face, like always nowadays, was blank. Undeterred by the absolute lack of reaction, unless Sasuke’s impassiveness was a reaction in itself, Naruto continued, “I think I might always have.” He scratched the back of his head and laughed. He seemed almost embarrassed at that. Or, seeing as he was Naruto and Naruto never seemed to feel embarrassment, he was feeling a bit awkward about it all. “I don’t think I can stop though.”

Sasuke didn’t need to look to know that there was a determined glint in Naruto’s eyes.

“Stop bullshitting me already, Naruto,” said Sasuke after a while, “I won’t be going anywhere.” He walked away.

“What? Hey! Hey, you bastard!” shouted Naruto as he ran after Sasuke. “What was that supposed to mean?”

ETA: Edited a couple of stuff. Yeeeeah, a couple of stuff.

lightbulb, narusasunaru, series: naruto, fanfic

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