The Torture Me Meme

Sep 19, 2010 17:07

Got this from transient_words. Actually, I don't know where else I'd get something like this. :|

Rules: No matter how talented we are, we've all got things we're miserable at. And usually we don't write/draw these things, because we're miserable at them, but delusions of competence are for losers, right? Here's your chance to ask me for something I'd never produce if I had any sense at all.

1) Request something I'm terrible at and usually avoid at all costs! You may get a drabble, a whole fic, or a sixteen part saga full of sturm und drang: how MUCH I suffer is up to me.

2) Fair's fair--post this same offer on your journal, and get ready to gnash your teeth and rend your garments! Make sure to include a list of things you're terrible at (perhaps you've hidden your fail well!), AND (this is important!) a list of things you REALLY don't want to write. Making me suffer is one thing--making me rage is something else.

3) Not sure how many I'll do, it's up to my time limits/inspiration.

1) Okay, hi. I'm not sure if I can write a sixteen part saga. I'm more likely to give you a song and a dance, and I giving you a song and a dance is out of the general equation of life. I'm okay, however, with a fifteen part saga.

2) You don't need to post this on your journal, but then you probably know this by now. 8D

What do I usually not write? Porn, stories with not-quite-so-young-anymore people, poems, detective fiction well, not yet, BUT I WILL, really depressing shit I used to?, and some other stuff I probably deliberately failed to mention.

Characters or kinds of characters I usually don't write. Hetalia: badass/pirate/super-jerk!England, non-awesome!Prussia, Germania and Rome and all of those oldtimers, aaaand please to be checking thought patterns to know others, OC!nations -- cannot seriously remember anything other than that. Naruto: smart!Naruto, so-much-of-a-fucking-bastard-I'd-kill-him/right-now-canon!Sasuke, fem!Sasuke, male!Sakura, gentle-and-unassuming!Sakura, teams that aren't either Team 7 or Team Gai, bad-brother!Itachi, et al.

Series I tend to avoid like the plague (in writing). Death Note, hecchi, CLAMP-made, Code Geas, Harry Potty and anything I can read in a book, pluuuus really sad series.

If you get the feeling that I don't write it, I probably don't. D:

3) Yeah, okay.

party times dammit, the cake is a lie!, sure you're weird, fanfic, currently, youth!, don't like, writing, note: this won't be the last, productive you is productive, winsome, yes i still follow this tagging system, super fail to the rescue!, ah..., meme, fandom, more tags to come, writing prompts, tons of stuff, et cetera, feel my thinly-veiled humor, afraid of, the highly frustrated being that is myse, true love deserves its own tag, note: sure took you a long time, think of more tags to pin to this, this is the life

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