OOC Profile

Jun 10, 2008 22:08

Name/Nickname: A.L.
AIM/E-mail/Contact: authorityLEX44 (AIM), moonheart@sailormoon.com (e-mail),
LJ: a_l_

Canon Character and Series: Hachibei Maeda from Ai Kora
In-Game Name: Hachibei Maeda
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Position & Ship (first and second choice for position please): Civilian/Passenger aboard the Winding Way

Appearance: He's 176cm tall, weighs 80kg, and is of average build. With brown hair and brown eyes, Hachibei Maeda is a dime a dozen and fits in well with the crowd in terms of looks. He wears a white dress shirt, buttoned down in the front and lacking a true collar. Both are long-sleeved, and he always wears them rolled up. His trousers, which are usually black, brown, or olive green, are held up with suspenders. Shoes are also work shoes, which he tends to wear out easily when he chases after women.

Personality: Hachibei Maeda is a down-to-Earth, practical, moral, and friendly guy. He enjoys the simple things in life and sometimes acts as though he sees the world with childlike wonder. He also is driven and does whatever he can to reach his goal.

However, he has one unique trait about him - he sees girls as their parts. In other words, Hachibei is an absolute pervert that is constantly looking for his treasured parts that he believes make up a perfect woman. As an artist, he gains inspiration from these parts of his and will do whatever it takes to protect the people that have them. Although he seems to act and do creepy and seemingly unmoral things to these people, he would never harm them and loves them dearly.

He also has an unusual sense of justice. He believes that his love of parts is superior to all forms of love. As such, he tends to challenge others' views of love. While he tolerates other people's sense of taste and even acknowledges the talents and good points of others, he absolutely detests so-called loves that makes his view of love look bad and harm others.

Abilities/Weapons: Not being a fighter, Hachibei Maeda's equipment includes a paintbrush, a canvas (or more, if he's lucky enough to get some), the sets of the plays, clay, charcoal, three different types of cameras (which, he worked long and hard for), a pen, ink, and paper/parchment. He uses all these things to make art that reflects his love of his treasured parts, copies them, or is used in such a way to allow him to enjoy his parts to the fullest. Writing-wise, Hachibei specializes in script-writing and poetry.

When his parts or the people that has his parts are in trouble, he will waste no time in trying to protect them. As such, he will whatever takes to protect them. His body fills with adrenaline, and he pushes his body to the peak of its capabilities, capable of breaking solid wood with his hands, breaking through doors, running incredibly fast, and capable of beating a small, unarmed groups. Even when he is not in his adrenaline-pumping state, Hachibei is capable of taking a lot of punishment. As an extra result of his taste in parts, women are incapable of seducing him unless they use one of their assets that are one of his ideal parts.

Though not an incredible talent, Hachibei is also capable of making snacks and desserts, though not as well as professional cooks. Another one of his less incredible talents include his ability to sympathize well with perverts and can carry on friendly conversations with the most perverted of men.

Weaknesses: Women, especially those with his parts, can walk all over him quite easily. In fact, he finds it very hard to say no to them, most notably to very pushy, strong-willed women. In general, Hachibei is helpless, hopeless, and unable to bring himself to truly lie about how he feels. He also has no desire to personally fight against the law or any form of authority. He also tends to get jealous really easily, and usually has a difficult time sharing his parts with other men.

When he is not protecting his parts, Hachibei is just like any average boy his age, meaning that he also becomes somewhat of a pushover physically. In regards to dangerous people, he tends to avoid them as much as possible unless they harm his parts or get in the way of his sense of justice. In fact, his sense of justice is also one of the many things that seem to get him in trouble.

Hachibei is also unable to stand eating sour things. This tends to bring him into trouble with cooks and sometimes put a damper on his overall health when he is traveling. One would have to force him to eat something like that. He also is highly superstitious. In fact, if there is one thing he fears, it's ghosts. He can't stand them.

Because of his obsession with parts, Hachibei has never fallen in love before.  Therefore, Hachibei has a difficult time understanding of love, despite witnessing it with his parents. Empathizing with people in love is next to impossible for him. He still has quite a lot to learn.

History: Originally born in Solare, Hachibei Maeda lived his first five years of his life relatively poor. With his father and mother both working, they managed pretty well. However, his father was soon out of work when the store he used to work for moved away. This devastated the family. Soon afterward, his father grew ill and died when he was only five years old. With only her son to encourage her, Hachibei's mother sold what they had, took their last savings, and made the long journey to Melior, where she successfully found work.

Going to school in Melior, his now life-long friend, "Ryuu," discovered Hachibei's latent talents in art and insisted that he attend a well-renowned art academy for children that his father sponsored. When tested for entrance to the school, Hachibei passed with flying colors. He excelled in every class he took and graduated early as a genius, known for being unable to learn any more from the school. On that day, he received a camera as a present from one of his favorite teaches, who had the belief that he would do great things with it.

Though he would be able to receive several commissions, he was only capable of making masterpieces with inspiration from his beloved parts. However, with these parts being hard to come by and Hachibei's reputation as a pervert, which he earned while in the academy, gaining inspiration proved to be difficult. To top it all off, Hachibei longed for the type of love that his mother and father had while his father was still alive. So, he packed up his things and set out on a journey to find his ideal parts. Most importantly, he began a journey to find his ideal girl, the one that he would truly love.

Third Person (roleplay):  The sun had barely reached its highest point in the sky before Hachibei counted to ten - ten slaps to be exact. His cheek burned furiously as his swollen cheek reddened under the midday sun.

"Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow." He complained to himself. "That last one didn't have to hit me that hard."

After weeks of constant travel, docking in the city had seemed like almost a godsend to the weary artist. He longed for the excitement of looking for new parts, rather than working with the ones he had grown accustomed to, wonderful as they may be. This part of the town, in particular, was full of the latest in clothes and style, a haven for women. It was perfect. At least, it would've been perfect if the women were not eager to inflict violence towards overly eager young men.

He soon longed for the familiar again: the voices of the actors, the constant working, and even the surprise appearances Captain Kurt Wagner had subjected him to. Perhaps it would be best if he just search for parts another day….

But then, at the corner of his eye, he spotted a young lady holding a marvelous necklace up through the glass of a small shop.

"Heh," Hachibei thought to himself. "The Winding Way will just have to wait for me a little while longer."

After all, it had been months since he last saw a girl with nearly perfect hands.

First Person (journal): 3 days and the apples still aren't any less sour! I can't take it, but I'll get sick again if I don't eat the stupid fruit. Why can something that can taste so sweet also taste so sour?

In other news, I'm finally close to finishing my next painting. It's a landscape with heavy emphasis of the sky, reminiscent of the girl I met with my nearly-perfect, cat-like eyes as blue as the whole sky itself, as though the whole sky chose to contain herself within those very eyes. I took a picture of it, sketched it, and tinted the blue so perfectly as to match the exact color. Still, I find it nowhere near the vision I was looking for, as the eyes itself were a little too big and the color a shade too dark. I guess here's another worthless piece that I can happily get rid of.

Oh, and Mom, I hope you got the money I sent you. Don't worry so much about me. I'm telling you, I'm doing fine.

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