Lele Luzzati

Sep 18, 2011 15:04

Чудесный ролик (жаль, embedding не разрешен), в котором незнающим представляется, а знающие&любящие прощаются с генуэзцэм Emmanuele Luzzati (1921-2007), художником театра, иллюстратором, аниматором опер Моцарта и Россини. О нем пишут:

In 1945 he was present at the rehearsals of Stravinsky's revival in Lausanne of his original production there in 1918 of The Soldier's Tale. Luzzati later maintained that it was this experience which made him decide to become a stage designer. [...] To visit an exhibition of Luzzati's work [...] was like entering a fairyland park, a sort of refined Disneyland, where you explored magical and mysterious visual territories akin to that of Chagall. ( отсюда )

скорее Бакста, чем, что не так важно

детский уголок, painting, клип

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