Jan 04, 2007 11:58
Happy new year everyone.
Wow, I haven't been on here in sooooo long Lol!
I had a good Christmas, saw most of my friends and family. I got a digital camera as my main present which was cool, especially as I got as memory stick as well which raised the memory from 13 pictures to something like 100.
I've caught up with all my telly now as well. Robin Hood finished on a high, but best ending of the season has to go to Torchwood (oh Jack!). I've caught up with both Stargates. I'm up to the mid season 2-parter in both seasons (only the first part of the 2-parters have aired, but the second parts are on next week, and I will be here to watch them :D ) I also can't wait for Heroes to air on the Sci-Fi channel, I'm currently reading a Heroes fic called Apcolypse, which is really good :D
I'm going back to Uni on the train on Sunday, as I have work to hand in on Monday and an exam on Tuesday afternoon. But I'm coming back home on the train on Wednesday and spending the rest of the week at home before lectures start up again. Woo.
tv: robin hood,
tv: stargate,
tv: other shows,
happenings in life,
tv: doctor who verse