Title: On Doubt
Fandom: Supernatural
Characters: Castiel, assorted Archangels
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: s4 finale, s5 opener
comment_fic prompt: SPN, Castiel,
Dare You To Move Original post A/N: Ramiel is
'Thunder of God' and Zerachiel is
'Angel of Healing' Summary:
But how quickly then your faith started shattering
4.5 billion years.
Four and a half billion years since the creation of the world, hundreds of millennia more since your own creation, and not one moment of doubt.
Not a single one.
Not when Lucifer led a rebellion, not when Anael fell, not even when Uriel betrayed you. They were the doubters, your faith was strong. As strong on the day you were commanded to lift Dean Winchester out of the pit as the day you were created.
But how quickly then your faith started shattering. Your faith in your Brothers, in what was right. Faith that you were doing God’s work, even though you always maintained your faith in Him.
One little person, so young in comparison to so many things. One wholly unique man has broken open your mind, with his words and with his actions, and sowed the seeds. Dean Winchester dared you to question it all and you found yourself doing so.
It worries you. It liberates you.
It terrifies you.
Welcome to existence, Angel. Welcome to the world. It has changed since you last stepped here.
And so you came to this.
To standing in a kitchen, facing the entire Host with nothing and no one to aid you but a seer. A man who wrote the Coming of the Apocalypse, but not the freedom of an Angel’s will, and so you have one more moment of hope before Ramiel tears your wings, Zerachiel lifts Jimmy’s battered soul free, and Raphael burns away your grace.
There is a long moment when the shell that contains what is left of you dangles from the hands of the Archangels, before you are consumed by light.
It burns.
You scream.
The Host tremble…
…But you live.
Your Father has saved you, so that you might save the world.
Start, Castiel, with the one who made you doubt.