Dec 27, 2007 15:57
Hi!! i've been posting on comments for a couple days now so i figured i'd pop in and introduce myself.. I spent all day yesterday in the hospital and things are a little hazy still.. so forgive me if i sound a little weird :-p
My name is Nicole (or Cole) I am from Southeastern Massachusetts.. I have been with my boifriend, who is fTm, for what feels like eternity :-)
There are lots of ups and downs with us and his transitioning, but in general my top priority is to be as supportive a partner as i am capable of being. One of the major issues that we have is that he is uncomfortable with my telling some of my close friends about him and his transitioning, which i respect.. unfortunately it can make things a little difficult given that a lot of my friends are gay and can seem to pick it out... anyways.. it also makes it difficult because i feel uncomfortable going to our other trans friends with some questions i have regarding his transition because i dont want them to feel like their just another dr.phil or something.. so it occurred to me to check out if LJ had any groups i could join.. and would you look at this they do!!!
Fabulous! lol.. well i'm looking forward to reading and writing here and getting involved..