January: We're not losers all the time.
February: no entries
March: Here's a tip for contact lense wearers: If you're confused because you've put in both contacts but you still can't see straight... you may have put both contacts in the same eye.
April: I don't need the approval of a crack addict.
May: Erin and I are over the fact that we're not ballerinas.
And realizing that really helped to justify skipping our ballet classes at festival on Friday to go shopping.
June: Amie vs. The Slipcover 2005
July: Approximately five thousand breakdowns later, she's still going...
I fell in love with Aaron.
August: Aaron and I went on a whale watch during our day off yesterday.
September: no entries
October: no entries
November: I see that the last thing I wrote was that Aaron and I are officially dating. Um, yeah, that lasted about four days.
December: I'm having a lot of trouble concentrating on my studies here.
Yup, I'd say that pretty much sums up the year.