I hate warmth. When the warmth of spring invades, the creatures come out in full force. Now, considering I live in the woods, I'm used to this phenomenon. However, it doesn't make it less annoying.
Being the do-gooder that I am, I noticed a tiny little wolf spider that had found himself on the wrong side of the window pane, aka: my room. So, I try to help the little bugger. Shove him out, if you will. But no. He doesn't want to go out. Maybe he hates the heat as well, but he can't hibernate in my room. While, attempting to shove said spider (named Winston) out of the room. Three, count 'em THREE, wasps decided to invade. Fuck the wasps. They're unnatural looking, with the burnt umber color, and droopy back legs, and general unattractive-ness. And now they're in my room. Hovering. Then I realize that there is a NEST right above my window. GOD. DAMMIT. So, for the past hour I have been trying to round up three loose wasps, while making sure no more get in. Nevermind the fact that Winston became frightened by all the commotion, and had disappeared. I'm tellin' ya, it was a true battle of wits until I found the wasp/insect bug spray. Of course I will not be able to sleep in my room tonight, because of chemical spray overload, but the three wasps are now dead (sprayed until incapacitated, then squished and dissected) and the nest has been destroyed, too. I win at life. And wasps do not. As for Winston, the fucker, I'd rather find him in bed with me later in the week, than attempt to save him again. He'll probably end up dead from the fumes. Tsk, Tsk. Should've never came in that window crack.
Pointless entry, but I figured
starfishmedley would appreciate knowing that there are at least three less wasps in the world that she has to contend with. That is all.