Good thoughts...

May 07, 2007 22:39

Around seven tonight my mom called and said that my dad was at the emergency room because he was having stroke-like symptoms.. Myr and I went down and sat with my mom and my brother while they examined my dad. It turns out that he is having TIA or transient ischemic attacks, which a like mini-stokes. The symptoms are the same, but they don't last very long.

He had similar problems this morning but since they went away, he just decided he needed some sleep. This time my mom called my brother and he got my dad to take some aspirin and then headed into the emergency room.

This annoyed my father to no end -- especially since my brother called the emergency room ahead of time to let them know what was happening. We live in a small town with a hospital and could just drive up and drop off my dad.

Anyhow, by the time they got there my dad was feeling slightly better. He could raise his arms and stand on one foot, although he still slurred a little when he talked. His blood pressure was quite high but falling on it's own.

They ran a bunch of tests and came up with the TIA diagnosis. The consensus is that he "looks good on paper" and they can't see any cause for the TIA. They gave him some meds and sent him home with instructions to keep watching for more of the same problems. He's scheduled for more testing on Wed.

I'm trying hard not to call my mom every few minutes to see how he is. He seemed to have gotten worse the last time I talked to them, but it's hard to say. I looked it up on line and got the same information they gave us at the hospital.

I'm glad that my brother lives next to my folks. My dad may be able to put off my mom, but he'll have to listen when Dan tells him to do something. I'm on a straight shot from their house to the hospital. It's a ten minute trip even following the 25 mph speed limit in town. She said she'd call. I'd be out the door and in my car before they even pass my house.

So... now we're down to waiting and praying, since we did all the medical stuff we can. I'm not good at that. The whole waiting thing. Still, no news has got to be good news. I'll talk to them in the morning and we will see.

Prayers and good thoughts would be greatly appreciated.


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