I started this so very long ago. It was the trees, they put me off. I used more made-up brushes with this than with anything else I've done, so far - the grass and the blood, in particular.
Is Snaco-ish in content, although can be read as gen in isolation.
Who: Snape and Draco
What: I guess a PG-M? There's mostly-obscured-nudity, and a fair bit of blood... I'm going with NWS, just to be cautious :).
Other: There're some wonky anatomy issues, fer-damned-sure. Also, possible DH spoiler in that it's something that didn't happen, but that I wanted with all my li'l heart. Knowing in advance that it didn't happen would've been a sad-making spoiler for me :).
Title: Bitten
I REALLY REALLY wanted a werewolf to bite Draco. So very much... Either Fenrir, or Remus, I wasn't too worried which... Whether it was punishment, carelessness, revenge, or something else... and, then, Severus finds him all passed out in the woods, is OHNOESGRR and then takes him away and looks after him, h'ray! Then, there is sex, and misunderstandings about whether it's done out of gratitude for fixin's and Wolfsbane and helpin's, and confusion and angst and guilt and probably some sort of situation that ends with Severus having to deal with an un-dosed werewolf again. Then there is resolution, and more sex. Yay! Who can't get behind that? Ah, hurt/comfort, you are a sweet vice :).