Mar 25, 2006 21:43
Big Games
- la_champions ; champions_ooc ; Ships with Doyle DEAD
- not_fadeaway ; fadeaway_ooc ; Ships with Lindsey [Evil Cordy] DEAD
- hell_done_over ; hell_notes DEAD
- sunnyhell_split ; split_this ; Ships with Angelus [Evil Cordy] DEAD
- fragile__ones ; eventual_break DEAD
- __splinters__ DEAD
- _in_decline_ ; indecline_ooc DEAD
- not__like__you ; nly_ooc DEAD
- severed__ties ; severed_ooc ; Ships with Lindsey ; Mod [Evil Cordy]
- fairytales_over ; _powerplay_
- shiveringinevil ; shivertalk ; Ships with Wesley DEAD
- hollowed_road ; hollowedroadooc
One - on - Ones
- road_lesstaken ; Lindsey ; Alternate Season 4 DEAD
- cruel__intent ; Angelus ; Alt Season 4 [Buffy/Spike/Cordy/Angelus] DEAD
- higher_blessing ; Angel ; Alt Season 5
- _anotherchance ; Lindsey ; Alt Season 5
- alittlenightfun ; Angelus/Lilah/Cordy
- taking_cases ; Angel/Cordy/Wes DEAD
- shadowreflect ; Wesley ; Alt Season 4