Oct 21, 2004 16:56
[Old School Cordy circa Season 2; BtVS]
Cordelia walked up the outdoor stairs, going to her last period class with the fellow Cordettes. They were laughing, talking about the latest fashion disaster; some freshman named Courtney or something. "She so looks like something my dog dug up in the backyard." Harmony stated, making the girls crack up. Cordelia rolled her eyes as the girl attempted to walk past them.
Cordelia reached out and put her hand on the girls shoulder as she was next to them on the stairs. She looked up startled. Harmony and Aura giggled behind her and Cordelia motioned to them to shutup. "Hi there. You're Courtney right?" The girl looked at her and shook her head. "It's actually Christine." She replied. "Right. Well whatever. Listen, I just wanted to compliment you on your outfit." The girl outright beamed. "Really?! You like it? My mom .. she sewed the sweater." The sweater had a dog chasing a ball on it. "It's so .. kindergarten. Really. If I were about 5, I'd love to have that outfit. There's a little thing called the mall. Visit it sometime." She smiled as the girl looked on the verge of tears. Then, the unexpected happened.
The girl's face changed in an instant from sadness and embarassment, from anger. Pure rage. She pushed Cordelia's hand away from her shoulder and took a step back, throwing her books down at Cordelia's feet. The Cordettes inched back, mouths in a perfect O. "Well at least I'm not some fake little bitch who thinks she can talk to other people like that just cause of her daddy's money! What? Don't look so suprised Cordelia. Not everyone likes you here! In fact everyone hates you." Christine continued to stand there, glaring at Cordelia and the Cordettes until a minor crowd formed.
The girl finally moved away and Cordy turned slowly on her heel to face the other Cordettes who, suprise suprise, had disappeared. "Figures. I don't need you for anything anyway!" She called out after them as they retreated down the stairs. She turned back around to face the crowd. "What? Does it look like there's a show going on here? Get out of my way, freaks." She said as she elbowed past them and towards the bathroom. Once inside, she stood in front of the mirror, her hands gripping the sink. "Get a grip, Chase. She's just some dumb freshman with no taste for style. She obviously doesn't know you at all."
[New School Cordy circa Season 5 AU AtS]
Cordelia's minds-eye was watching as a vision of the past 6 months flashed. She saw Angel in impending danger. Well duh. Except it seemed worse then the other times. They were in over their heads. It didn't look good for the so-called Dark Avenger and the rest of the Fang Gang. There had to be a reason that the Powers were showing her this vision while she was lying helpless in her coma. Then it occurred to her .. this was her wake up call.
Cordelia blinked and in a second she was awake. She looked wide-eyed around the room she was in. A nurse had come in to check Cordelia's vitals. Cordy was seated on her bed, running her fingers through her hair. The nurse, in suprise, dropped her clipboard. "Ms-Ms. Chase? You're awake!" She said enthusiastically. Cordy raised a perfectly arched brow. "Where am I?" She asked. "Wolfram and Hart's top medical facility. I'll get the doctor." She said as she pushed the button on Cordy's bedside.
"Wolfram .. and Hart?" She asked, lying back down. She couldn't get out, not with the nurse standing there. It seemed that the danger was worse then she expected ..